Alameda City Pensions Explained Long Range Financial 2009-2019
City of AlamedaComprehensive Annual Finance ReportsEach year the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) is produced. This report contains a significant amount of information about the city of Alameda both financial and quality of life indicators. The CAFR is required format for reporting for cities. In order to best understand how Alameda's taxpayer monies are being spent the city budget documents contained a more detailed listing of activity. The City began uses a biennial budget cycle, rather than just one year budget cycle. As a result, the city provides a more comprehensive analysis of budgeting activities. In June, 2016 the City presented a Mid Cycle Update to the biennial budget adopted in 2015. For an analysis of the Mid Cycle Update go here. 2015 CAFR Highlights (Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2015) City Council and Mayor: Trish Herrera Spencer, Frank Matarrese, Tony Daysog, Marilyn Ezzy Ashcraft and Jim Oddie City Manager: Elizabeth Warmerdam (Interim) Auditing Firm: Vavrinenk, Trine, Day & Co., LLP Net Assets: $297 million (-$114,862 million unrestricted) The decrease in net position is primarily due to $166 million in pension liabilities recorded for the first time as a result of GASB 68 and 71 implementation offset with the $44 million increase resulting from the reporting AMP as enterprise fund. General Fund fund balance: $36 million ($30. million unrestricted) Key Capital Improvement Projects:
Outstanding Debt: $86 million Economic Outlook: New agreed upon salary increases for all employees with projected increases of 4.36% in 2016, 3.5% in 2017 and 3.5% in 2018. 2014 CAFR Highlights (Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2014) City Council and Mayor: Marie Gilmore, Marilyn Ezzy Ashcraft, Stewart Chen, Tony Daysog, Lena Tam City Manager: John Russo Auditing Firm: Maze & Associates Net Assets: $402 million ($20.0 million unrestricted) General Fund fund balance: $31 million ($29.0 million unrestricted) Key Capital Improvement Projects:
Outstanding Debt: $60 million (Restated in 2015 due inclusion of AMP Fund to $89 million) Economic Outlook: Post retirement health benefits projected liability at $91 million 2013 CAFR Highlights (Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2013) City Council and Mayor: Marie Gilmore, Marilyn Ezzy Ashcraft, Stewart Chen, Tony Daysog, Lena Tam City Manager: John Russo Auditing Firm: Maze & Associates Net Assets: $389 million ($28 million unrestricted) General Fund fund balance: $23.0 million ($21.0 million unrestricted) Key Capital Improvement Projects:
Outstanding Debt: $60 million (The City issued $15 million of Sewer Revenue bonds to fund infrastructure improvements to its sewer system.) Economic Outlook: Post retirement health benefits projected liability at $91 million, CALPERS new regulations will impact future budgets 2012 CAFR Highlights (Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2012) City Council and Mayor: Marie Gilmore, Rob Bonta, Doug deHaan, Beverly Johnson and Lena Tam City Manager: John Russo Auditing Firm: Maze & Associates Net Assets: $387 Million ($36 million unrestricted) General Fund fund balance: $23.0 million ($20.0 million unrestricted) Major Initiatives and Projects:
Outstanding Debt: $48 million (The City’s total debt decreased $74 million during FY11-12 due to the transfer of the former CIC long term debt to the Successor Agency.) Economic Factors: Employee agreements reached with most employee groups, post retirement health benefits projected liability at $86 million, City receives final conveyance of Alameda Point property, State legislation will dissolve the redevelopment agency, new operating lease for the golf course 2011 CAFR Highlights (Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2011) City Council and Mayor: Marie Gilmore, Rob Bonta, Doug deHaan, Beverly Johnson and Lena Tam City Manager: John Russo Auditing Firm: Maze & Associates Net Assets: $334 Million ($39 million unrestricted) General Fund fund balance: $22.7 million ($16.7 million unreserved, unrestricted) Major Initiatives and Projects:
Outstanding Debt: $122 million ($74.3 tax allocation bonds $12.5 million Certificate of Participation and $9.4 million General Obligation Bonds) Economic Factors: Employee agreements to expire December, 2011, post retirement health benefits projected liability at $86 million 2016 Mid Cycle Budget Update Highlights (Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2016)Still reviewing the document. Analysis to come by July 20, 2016. Comments. Questions. Broken links? Bad spelling! Incorrect Grammar? Let me know at webmaster.