Alameda School Plan 2005/06Alameda High School was a 9-12 school with an enrollment of 1,890 in 2005/06. To review Alameda's state Academic Performance Index scores since 2000 click here. Disclaimer: Single School Plan were hand typed and transcribed from source documents. Please pardon the typos as the webmaster is a poor typist. While an effort was made to spell acronyms, here is a reference guide for those acronyms.Single School Plan ComponentsWhat Did You Learn from 2004/05 Cycle of Inquiry?
Those target and strategic students who were enrolled and properly placed in Literacy Intervention (REACH and High Point) classes demonstrated marked improvement, as evidenced by their embedded and unit assessments, and the collaborative measures utilized and reviewed by the instructional staff. There are 24 ninth grade students enrolled in REACH. There are no comparable formal assessments and there is limited informal information available with which to fully assess the progress of students in the strategic and target subgroups who did not receive Literacy Intervention classes. REACH placement testing was completed for all incoming Freshman students from feeder middle schools in May 2005. 2005 CST results were utilized to confirm student literacy class placement for the the Fall semester 2005. Students new to the district had an intake review conducted by the ninth grade counselor and the Vice Principal. Multiple measures were used to assess and determine the appropriate placements for students new to the district. In some cases a planning/SST appointment was made to determine an appropriate placement and academic support strategies. Teachers were able to begin the instructional program immediately. All teachers were experienced, ahd appropriate program training and support, and materials for instruction. Additional insruction materials and resources were available through the Literacy Coach. The AHS staff has utilized site time to work collabortively to expand the variety of literacy suppport strategies available across curricular areas, and to target specific literacy objectives by course and grade level instruction school-wide. Coordinated collaboration efforts have provided strategic and target students with additional support in other curricular areas outside their literacy classess. Though various collaborative efforts strategic instructional interventions, techniques and strategies are being developed, shared and incorporated across and into departmental and programmatic instructional practices. The initial efforts appear to have had a positive impact on the achievement of strategic and target students, as evidenced by the 2005 CST/ELA scores, the embedded assessments, and student performance as indicated by their grades. The 2005 CST-ELA scores indicate an increase in the performance of strategic and target students. There was a significant increase in student performance overall on the standardized assessments. Teacher and collaborative team reviews indicate that most students are making appropriate growth. There is also evidence the inclusion of targeted vocabulary instruction and other literacy support strategies are having a positive impact on student learning and acheivement across the board, but most especially for our strategic and target students. There are some student subgroups that are still performing significantly below the general student population. Action research is being implemented to explore and determine what additional and/or appropriate academic support can be identified that would have positive impact on student achievement for these subgroups. Fall 2005
Problem Statements Student Achievement Problems The staff expects that students can and will read independently, as well as process assigned texts, materials and assignments. The majority of our teachers still do not assess for specific reading skills or deficiencies, or explicitly teach reading skills to their students. There are strategic students and targeted students that are not able to read, process and complete assignments independently. Their literacy skills ahave significant impact on their academic performance across all curricular areas, as evidenced by GPA, assessment data and teacher observations. It is important that our instructional interventions and strategies continue to have significant positive impact on stratefic and targeted students' achievement, as measure by embedded assessments, the CST-ELA and student GPA. Teacher Practice Problems Some teachers believe that teaching literacy should be a part of their daily instructional practice. Many accept the necessity and responsibility of teaching and reinforcing literacy skills, but believe that they are poorly/ill-prepared to meet this need due to a lack of appropriate training. Student Achievement Questions
Teacher Practice Questions
Student Achievement Goals
Teacher Practice Goals
Alameda 2004/05 Single School Plan Alameda 2003/04 Single School Plan Alameda High School
4 Year District API Base DataDefinitions School Mobility Percent - Represents the percentage of students attending the school for the first time. Parent Education Average - The average of all responses where "1" represents "Not a high school graduate", "2" represents "High School Graduate", "3" represents "Some College", "4" represents "College Graduate" and "5" represents "Graduate School". School Classification Index - A mathematically computed index using other non academic API components to create indicator of similar demographics and school environment to be used for similar school rankings. Disclaimer: All data has been hand created. If there are questions about the validity of the data, please contact the webmaster.
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