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Paden School Plan 2004/05

Paden Elementary School was a K-8 school with an enrollment of 368 in 2004/05 that used Lifelong Guidelines and Lifeskills. To review Paden's state Academic Performance Index scores since 2000 click here.

Disclaimer: Single School Plan were hand typed and transcribed from source documents. Please pardon the typos as the webmaster is a poor typist. While an effort was made to spell acronyms, here is a reference guide for those acronyms.

Single School Plan Components

Fall 2004

  1. What are your problem statements?
  2. Language Arts Problem Statement

    Although most of our students are above grade level in reading and we have systems in place to serve the needs of our most at-risk students, there continues to be an achievement gap between the 70% who are at grade level or above, and those students identified as below grade level on mulitple measures.

    Hispanic and African-American students are disproportionately represented in the targeted population. These ethnic groups repesent a small but growing population in the school. A new need to examine attendance and mobility issues has also risen among students in this group.

    Fluency checks (Fall to Winter) in grades (2-8) indicated that targeted students at most grades are making greater growth than their peers or than expected growth, but not enough more to close the achievement gap in a timely fashion. We continue to see a small percentage of fluent students who do not comprehend and non-fluent students who do comprehend. We also have targeted for whom phonics/decoding is not the issue as evidenced by their proficiency on the phonics decoding survey, but who are still non fluent readers with poor comprehension. There is a continued need to emphasize strategies and vocabulary development among both fluent and non-fluent targeted students.

    In addition, training in the use of the new district database, Measures, is udnerway for all K-8 grade teachers. Support in the use of Measures will be needed to ensure all teachers can access student data to analyze skill gaps and help to inform instruction.

    Math Problem Statement

    Although our single school plan focus is in reading fluency and vocabulary, our data shows that the achievement gap in the area of math parallels the reading gap, especially for the African American and Hispanic students in our targeted groups.

    From analyzing our school-wide CST results and from grade level math programs, we discovered that number sense is the mathematical concept that prevents our targeted students from reaching grade level proficiency. Our efforts will focus on improving student proficiencies in this area to subsequently increase overall math achivement.

    Number sense refers to a person's ability to feel at home with numbers. Students with number sense have intuitive ideas about the magnitude of number and their relationships, can compare quantities, and are able to make sensible estimates with numbers.

  3. What are your inquiry questions?
  4. Student Achievement Questions - Language Arts

    • Are we increasing the fluency rates of our targeted students at a rate that will allow them to reach grade level proficiency in a timely fashion?
    • To what extent are deficient vocabulary skills impacting fluency rates and reading comprehension among our targeted students?

    Student Achievement Questions- Math

    • Are we increasing our targeted students' understanding of number sense at a rate that will narrow the achievement gap?

    Teacher Practice Questions - Language Arts

    • Are teachers using the data from the Houghton Mifflin/Prentice Hall assessments and Measures to inform instruction?
    • Are the vocabulary strategies in the reading programs resulting in increased student usage of those strategies both orally and in writing?
    • Are the fluency strategies embedded in the programs effective for our target poputlation?
    • Are we spending enough time teaching academic vocabulary across the curriculum?

    Teacher Practice Questions - Math

    • Given that the state adopted math curriculum is being used K-8, what additional strategies are teachers using to improve and deepen targeted students's understanding of number sense?

  5. What are your measurable goals?
  6. Student Achievement Goals - Language Arts

    • Ten percent more students, including African American and Hispanic students, will be reading at grade level, as measured by the CST portion of the STAR test in alignment with the Annual Measurable Objectives for NCLB.
    • Using fluency checks three times per year, 80% of targeted students will make more than 1.5 years growth in fluency rates and improve their ability to use strategies to understand vocabulary and academic words.

    Student Achievement Goals - Math

    • Ten percent more African American and Hispanic students, will be at grade level in math, as measured by the CST portion of the STAR test in alignment with the Annual Measurable Objectives for NCLB.

    Teacher Practice Goals

    • Teachers will learn to access their data in Measures and use it to inform instruction.

  7. What are your major strategies for Language Arts?
    1. Continue Grade Level Study Team (GLST) and Collaboration time to identify students who are not achieving, whay they are not achieving, align instruction with idenified skill gaps and evaluate effectiveness of instruction. Share findings across grade levels.
    2. Provide support for teachers to fully implement Houghton Mifflin Reading, REACH and Prentice Hall reading programs and to support fluency and vocabulary development across grade levels.
    3. Support teachers in administrating asessments, using assessment data, and accessing data through Measures.
    4. Work with the Alameda Reform Collaborative to improve collaboration across eight school sites.
    5. Provide professional development in effective teaching strategies to better meet the needs of our targetd African American and Hispanic students.
    6. Teachers will self evaluate on the Rubric for Teaching Vocabulary developed by the Alameda Reform Collaborative.
    7. Technology software will be utilized and incorporated to support language arts achivement.
  8. What are your major strategies for Math?
    1. During Grade Level Study Team (GLST) and Collaboration time, teachers will identify key number sense concepts to be focused and best practices to teach that concept.
    2. Utilize and structure explicit math instruction which incorporates best practices and supports differentiation of instruction model: warm-up, mental math, stumper, lesson/follow-up needs based independent practice.
    3. Continue to implement supplemental strategies to support instruction in number sense.
    4. Support teachers in administering assessments, using assesment data and accessing data through Measures.
    5. Technology software will be utilized and incorporated to support increased math achievement.

Paden 2003/04 Single School Plan

2002 2003 2004
Base API 770 791 831
Number of Students Tested 264 288 263
State Rank 8 8 9
Similar School Rank 2 3 7
African American  Students Tested 15 16 18
African American Students API N/A N/A N/A
Asian Students Tested 58 73 70
Asian Students API 817 860 870
Filipino Students Tested 32 38 37
Filipino Students API N/A N/A N/A
Hispanic Students Tested 27 33 24
Hispanic Students API N/A N/A N/A
White Students Tested 114 115 96
White Students API 818 794 878
SDE* Students Tested 77 95 103
SDE* Students API 701 720 772
% in Free or Reduced Price Lunch  28 32 39
% of English Language Learners  17 24 18
School Mobility Percent* 15 22 16
Parental Education Average* 3.63 3.52 3.51
School Classification Index* 175.51 177.77 177.21

3 Year District API Base Data


    School Mobility Percent - Represents the percentage of students attending the school for the first time.

    Parent Education Average - The average of all responses where "1" represents "Not a high school graduate", "2" represents "High School Graduate", "3" represents "Some College", "4" represents "College Graduate" and "5" represents "Graduate School".

    School Classification Index - A mathematically computed index using other non academic API components to create indicator of similar demographics and school environment to be used for similar school rankings.

Disclaimer: All data has been hand created. If there are questions about the validity of the data, please contact the webmaster.

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Send mail to mikemcmahonausd@yahoo.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: May 13, 2004

Disclaimer: This website is the sole responsibility of Mike McMahon. It does not represent any official opinions, statement of facts or positions of the Alameda Unified School District. Its sole purpose is to disseminate information to interested individuals in the Alameda community.