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Reading & Resources for Looking at Student Work

Source: Coalition of Essential Schools

David Allen, ed., Student Work, Teacher Learning. NY: Teachers College Press, in press.

David Allen, "The Tuning Protocol: A Process for Reflection." Providence: Coalition of Essential Schools, 1995

David Allen, Tina Blythe, and Barbara S. Powell, "A Guide to Looking Collaboratively at Student Work." Cambridge, MA: Harvard Project Zero, 1996. Tel.: (617) 495-4342.

Mary Barr, The California Learning Record: A Handbook for Teachers, Grades 6?12 (1995); Mary Barr and M. A. Syverson, The California Learning Record: A Handbook for Teachers, Grades K?6 (1994); and Winfield Cooper and Mary Barr, eds., The Primary Language Record and the California Learning Record In Use.

Eric Buchovecky, "Learning from Student Work." Newton, MA: Atlas Communities, Education Development Center, 1996.

Patricia Carini, The Art of Seeing and the Visibility of the Person (1979), and The Lives of Seven Children (1982). Grand Forks: North Dakota Study Group on Evaluation.

Beverly Falk and Linda Darling-Hammond, "The Primary Language Record at P.S. 261: How Assessment Transforms Teaching and Learning." New York: Teachers College, Columbia University, NCREST, 1993. Rhoda D. Kanevsky, "The Descriptive Review of a Child," in Authentic Assessment in Practice. New York: Teachers College, Columbia University, NCREST, 1993.

Joseph P. McDonald, Redesigning School. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1996.

Fred M. Newmann, Walter G. Secada, and Gary G. Wehlage, A Guide to Authentic Instruction and Assessment: Vision, Standards, and Scoring. Madison, WI: Wisconsin Center for Education Research, 1995. Tel.: (608) 263-4214.

Fred M. Newmann et al., Authentic Assessment: Restructuring Schools for Intellectual Quality. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1996. $29.95. Tel.: 1-800-956-7739.

Steve Seidel, "Collaborative Assessment Conferences for the Consideration of Project Work" (1991) and "Learning from Looking" (1996). Cambridge, MA: Harvard Project Zero. Tel: (617) 495-4342.

Dennie Palmer Wolf, J. Craven, and D. Balick, More Than the Truth. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 1996.

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Last modified: June 2, 2004

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