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Wood School Plan 2003/04

Wood Middle School was a 6-8 school with an enrollment of 783 in 2003/04. To review Wood's state Academic Performance Index scores since 2000 click here. Here is the latest STAR data available from the state of California for Wood.

Disclaimer: Single School Plan were hand typed and transcribed from source documents. Please pardon the typos as the webmaster is a poor typist. While an effort was made to spell acronyms, here is a reference guide for those acronyms.

Single School Plan Components

Fall 2003

  1. What are the major strategies in your plan?
    • Teachers in their SLC's will be provided professional development and collaboration opportunities in the area of literacy development and differentation of instruction.
    • 100% of the students identified as PARI will have an appropriate intervention plan. Student identified as "intensive" and "strategie' will be provided intervention strategies in the areas of reading and/or math as indicated by their IIP.
    • The administration, Learning Center staff, Intervention staff and counselor will coordinate delivery of services to PARI students and communicate their progress to case managers and teachers.

  2. What are your inquiry questions?
  3. Student Achievement Questions

    • Who are the PARI students in the targeted groups that are scoring below basic or far below basic in Language Arts and math, and what specific skill areas need improvement?

    Teacher Practice Questions

    • What teacher strategies are currently being implemented in the classroom to support content area literacy development for our PARI students, and what literacy strategies need to be implemented school wide and as an intervetion for targeted students?

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Last modified: May 13, 2004

Disclaimer: This website is the sole responsibility of Mike McMahon. It does not represent any official opinions, statement of facts or positions of the Alameda Unified School District. Its sole purpose is to disseminate information to interested individuals in the Alameda community.