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Recap for February 23 BOE Meeting

School District Formal Agenda - PDF Version including Consent Items

1.) Highlighting Alameda Schools - Encinal High School

Background: Staff and students provided a presentation about Encinal High school.

Fiscal Implications: None.

2.) Possible Implications of Academy of Alameda Middle School Charter School

Background: Staff presented an update on implications of the Board's approval of the Academy of Alameda charter school and implications for Chipman Middle School.

Fiscal Implications: Unknown.

3.) Budget Information Update - Categorical Program Update

Background: Staff gave a presentation about monies spent on categorical programs.

Fiscal Implications: None

4.) Master Plan Final Recommendations

Background:  Since March, 2009 AUSD have been working toward a new long term Master Plan. After eight community workshops, hosted by the board and Superintendent; 29 smaller meetings hosted by independent, trained "Public Education Volunteers"; 30 school site meetings led by principals and other site leaders; two community surveys on the AUSD website; and a teacher survey developed by the Alameda Education Association, the Superintendent has prepared a Master Plan document along with a implementation timeline. After a staff presentation, the Board was asked to approve the plan.

The Board approved the Master Plan with member Spencer voting no.

Fiscal Implications: Unknown

5.) Superintendent's Recommendation for a New Replacement Parcel Tax

Background: At the January 12, 2010 BOE meeting staff presented a summary of the work of Parcel Tax Advisory Group. Based on the Master Plan and the reduced funding levels from the State of California, staff will be presented various parcel tax rates/structures and their projected revenue implications at February 9 BOE meeting. The Superintendent gave her recommendations for a new replacement parcel tax.  There will be special meeting on March 2nd at District offices to review second interim financial reports and its implications on a final recommendation for amount the new parcel tax will need to raise. In addition, the Board gave direction to the Superintendent to pursue a vote by mail special election for June 22nd.

Fiscal Implications: Unknown.

6.) Resolution No. 10-0016 Stand Up for Education

Background:  On March 4, 2010 a broad coalition of labor unions, organizations and education advocates are holding a series of activities designed to draw attention to dramatic reduction in public education funding. The Broad approved the resolution.

Fiscal Implications: None

7.) California School Board Association 2010 Delegate Assembly Election Vote

Background:  Each school board elects delegates to represent them at California School Association Delegate Assemblies. The Board selected four delegates including Board member McMahon to represent Alameda Unified.

Fiscal Implications: None