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BOE Meeting for March 11, 2008

1.) Second Interim Report

Background: Four times a year staff prepares financial statements for Board review. Staff will be presenting the second interim, which will reflect the change in assumptions from the Governor's proposed budget and the $976,000 reductions approved on March 4th.

The Board approved the second interim which was qualified.

Fiscal Implications: None

Superintendent Goal: Goal #2 Align the spending plan.

2.) Reinstatement of Budget Reduction Items: Prioritization Based on Potential New Parcel Tax Revenue


Governor Schwarenegger released his proposed budget on January 10, 2008 for the fiscal year starting July 1. The Governor also declared a fiscal emergency and called for some of the cuts to take effect before the July 1 start of the next fiscal year. More significantly for education funding, the Governor is requesting suspension of Prop 98. In a January Board meeting staff estimated the fiscal impact to AUSD to be $4,000,000.

At a Special Board meeting, the Board approved placing a parcel tax on the June ballot. Within the ballot language reference would to made to restore reductions in a proiritized manner. Staff will present their recommendation for prioritization for Board review.

Tier 1
K-3 Class Size Reduction $400,000
Grades 1-3 Music Prep Positions $200,000
High School Athletic Program/Swim Centers $265,000
Tier 2
1.5 FTE Middle School Counselors $90,000
Grade 9 Class Size Reductions $92,000
0.5 FTE Independent Study Teacher $40,000
Site alternating A/B schedule for cleaning $125,000
Tier 3
Restructure K-12 Schools .
  • Minimize school closures
  • Minimize school services reduction, i.e. counseling, college and career technicians

The Board requested CSR 1-3 be moved since it has been reduced and to combine Tier 1 and 2 since the parcel tax will generate enough revenue to restore all of the reductions.

Fiscal Implications: None

Superintendent Goal: Goal #2 Align the spending plan.

3.) Resolution No. 08-0011 Non-Reelection of Probationary Certificated Employee(s)

Action - 15 minutes

Background: California Education Code 44929.21 requires that the Governing Board shall notify a probationary employee in a position requiring certification qualifications of the decision to reelect or not reelect the employee to such a position for the succeeding school year.

Fiscal Implications: None

Superintendent Goal: Goal #2 Align the spending plan.

4.) Resolution No. 08-0012 Release of Temporary Employee(s)

Background: California Education Code 44954 requires that the Governing Board shall notify a temporary employee in a position requiring certification qualifications of the decision to retain or release the employee to such a position for the succeeding school year.

The Board approved the resolution.

Fiscal Implications: None

Staff Recommendation: Approve

5.) Resolution No. 08-0015 Recommendation to Reduce or Discontinue Particular Kinds of Services for the 2008-2009 School Year

Background: At the March 4th, 2008 BOE meeting, the Board approved budget reductions totaling $976,000. As a result, particular kinds of service need to be reduced or discontinued.

California Education code 44949 and 44955 set forth dates and procedures which require the Board of Education to express its intent to reduce or discontinue particular kinds of service so that notices to certificated employees can be delivered before March 15th.

Services Being Reduced or Discontinued

Grades 1-3 Music Preparartion 4.0
9th Grade English Class Size Reduction 2.2
9th Grade Math Class Size Reduction 2.8
Middle School Counselors 1.5
Independent Study Teacher 0.5
Realignment Courses with Enrollment .
    Foreign Language
    Phyiscal Education
    Sheltered English/ELD
    Sheltered Government/Economics
    Social Sciences (History)
    Current Life
    Science (Biologoy)
    Visual and Performing Arts
Alameda Community Learning Center Facilitator 1.0
Subtotal 15.8
Literary Coach 2.0
Title 1 Reading Specialists 5.15
SIM Coach/Reform Coach 0.62
Elementary Counselors 0.5
Math Coach 1.0
Science Teacher (Life) 0.34
Title 1 Coordinator 0.38
Subtotal 9.99
Total 25.79

The Board approved the resolution.

Fiscal Implications: Budget savings of $976,000.

Staff Recommendation: Approve

6.) Resolution No. 08-0016 Criteria to Determine the Order of Termination Among Certificated Employees with the Same Date of Paid Service

Background: The Board finds that to make effective release of employment decisions; objective criteria must be established. This will ensure that District employees are treated farily and equitably. The purpose of adopting criteria for determining seniority for certificated employees who have the same date of initial employment is solely on the basis of the needs of the District and the students there of, in compliance with Education Code 44955.

Criteria to be Used

  • Credentials to teach or serve in a particular program or provide a particular service of need by the District (e.g. bilingual, special education)
  • Credentials that permit supplementary authorizations
  • Number of teaching and/or specialist service credentials
  • Earned degrees beyond the B.A. and B.S. level
  • Preliminary v Clear/Life Credentials
  • National Board Certification

The Board approved the resolution.

Fiscal Implications: None

Staff Recommendation: Approve