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BOE Meeting for June 28, 2005

1. Measure C Oversight Committee Report

Background: On March 2, 2004 Alameda voters approved Measure C authorizing $63 million in general obligation bonds. One of the provisions of passage required the creation of a citizens oversight committee. This committee meets four times a year to review expenditures and insure they are consistent with ballot language. The committee presented their report was is captured in the updates and fiscal recap sections of the Measure C construction.

Strategic Significance: Goals # 1-12 - Fiscal

2. Measure A Oversight Committee Report

Background: On November 6, 2001, Alameda approved Measure A. The Fiscal Oversight Committee will present their report on a href="measureaback.htm">expenditures.

Strategic Significance: Goals # 1-12 - Fiscal

3. Public Appointment of Vice Principal for Wood Middle School

Background: : The Vice Principal of Wood Middle School resigned in June, 2005. A new Vice Principal, Judd Kempson was appointed.

Strategic Significance: Goal #3: Staff Recruitment, Assignment and Retention

4. Public Appointment of Interim Assistant Superintendent

Background: The present Assistant Superintendent has been appointed to the position of Interim Superintendent. An interim Assistant Superintendent is needed for 2005/06. Carol Robie was appointed to the position.

Strategic Significance: Goal Goal #3: Staff Recruitment, Assignment and Retention

5. Certification of Election Results

Background: Measure A for 2005 passed with a margin of 64 votes. Without the efforts of co-chairs Carla Greathouse, Rich Heaps and Ron Mooney, essential education programs would have been reduced.

There were numerous individuals and groups that participated in the campaign efforts. Each one indiviudally and collectively made a differnce since the margin of victory was two Yes votes per precinct.

Fiscal Implications: An additional $1,200,000 on top of renewing the underlying $1,800,000 of funds that was due to expire in 2006.

Strategic Significance: Goals #1-12 : Fiscal

6. Proposed Marquee for Lum School

Background: : A community member requested an agenda item to discuss the proposed marquee at Lum School. A number of speakers presented their opinions about the potential safety concerns regarding the marquee. In addition a number of PTA members and the Lum principal expressed their opinion that the placement of the sign was not a safety issue.

The Lum principal will meet with the PTA executive committee in August to determine when the marquee will be placed.

Strategic Significance: Goal #12 - Communication and Community Engagement

7. Update on Strategic Plan Implementation and Accomplishments

Background: In 2003 AUSD adopted a five year strategic plan.

Staff presented an update on 2004/05 goals and an update on Local Education Agency Plan Performance Goals.

Strategic Significance: Goal #1-12 - Update

8. Report on Explusions and Suspensions

Background: School districts are required to report suspension and explusion activity.

Below is the data for the last three years:


(Number of days)

. 02/03 03/04 04/05
High Schools 1,226 915 851
Middle Schools 765 788 858
Elementary Schools 252 438 355
Total 2,243 2,141 2,064


(Number of students)

. 02/03 03/04 04/05
High Schools 12 12 10
Middle Schools 9 4 5
Elementary Schools 0 0 0
Total 21 16 15

Strategic Significance: Goal #9 - Student Engagement and Involvement

9. AB825 Categorical Education Block Grant Update

Background: With the complicated history of public education finances in California, the Legislature began directing directing of certain education programs through a process of catergorical funding. Categorical funding defined eligibilty criteria and spending restrictions. Over the years, the percentage of public education funding that is restricted by catergorical requirements has grown.

Recent studies of catergorical programs revealed significant problems. In order to reduce bureauacy and improve flexibility at the local school district level, AB825 consolidated 25 catergorical programs into 6 block grants:

  • Pupil Retention Block Grant
  • School Safety Consolidated Competitive Grant
  • Teacher Credentialing Block Grant
  • Professional Development Block Grant
  • Target Instructional Improvement Block Grant
  • School and Library Improvement Block Grant

These six block grants represent approximately 10% (approximately $2 million) of the total restricted funding AUSD receives from the state.Strategic Significance: Goal # 1-12, Fiscal

10. PUBLIC HEARING: Recommendation to Adopt the Proposed Drafting Textbook

Item Type: PH/Action (10 minutes)

Background: The textbook for Drafting titled "Hand-On Auto CAD" was adopted.

Fiscal Implications: Materials are purchased from Instructional Materials Funding Realignment Program.

Strategic Significance: Goal #1 - Curricular Coherence & Effective Instruction

11. PUBLIC HEARING: Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2005/2006

Item Type: PH/Information (15 minutes)

Background: A public hearing was held prior to the adoption of the budget.

Strategic Significance: Goals #1-12 - Fiscal

12. Resolution No. 05-3979 Adopt Proposed Budget and Make Appropriations and Adopt the Standards and Criteria for the Fiscal Year 2005/2006

Item Type: Action (30 minutes)

Background: Due to a significant decline in enrollment, AUSD was faced with a projected $2,400,000 deficit for 2005/06.

In February, 2005, the Board voted 5-0 to approve 2005/06 Spending Reduction totaling $1,625,000.

In June, 2005, Alameda voters approve Measure A which will provide $3,000,000 in additional funds for AUSD.

Staff will presented the 2005/06 budget reflecting all of this activity. The Board adopted the budget.

Strategic Significance: Goals #1-12 - Fiscal

13. PUBLIC HEARING: Re-Openers - California School Employees Association (CSEA)

Background: The contract between the District and California School Employees Association (CSEA) expires on June 30, 2005. The openers for a new three year contract have been submitted by CSEA.

After a second public hearing the District will submit their reopeners.

Article 3 - Association Rights

Increase release time for CSEA state "appointed" positions;

Change language to State appointed CSEA appointed positions.

Article 6 - Hours and Overtime

Input to calendar start and end dates

Article 7 - Transfers and Promotions

Incorporate side letter language

Article 10 - Discipline

Re-wording the language to reflect due process, e.g. Skelly

Article 11 - Pay and Allowances

Fair and equitable salary increase

Implement paraprofessional job study

Article 15 - Leaves

Revisit the process of catastrophic sick leave.

Fiscal Implications: Unknown

Staff Recommendation: Receive

Strategic Significance: Goal #3 - Staff Recruitment, Assignment and Retention



Send mail to mikemcmahonausd@yahoo.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: June 24, 2005

Disclaimer: This website is the sole responsibility of Mike McMahon. It does not represent any official opinions, statement of facts or positions of the Alameda Unified School District. Its sole purpose is to disseminate information to interested individuals in the Alameda community.