
BOE Meetings
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BOE Meeting for August 10, 2004

1. Introduction of New Prinicpal - Alameda High School

Background: Mike Janvier was appointed to serve as principal at Alameda High School at special meeting in July. Mike was introduced at the first broadcasted School Board meeting.

2. Introduction of New Vice-Prinicpal - Encinal High School

Background: Brian McGarry was appointed to serve as vice-principal at Encinal High School at special meeting in July. Brian was introduced at the first broadcasted School Board meeting.

3. Introduction of New Vice-Prinicpal - Alameda Adult School

Background: Mary McCann was appointed to serve as vice-principal at Alameda Adult School at special meeting in July. Mary was introduced at the first broadcasted School Board meeting.

4. PUBLIC HEARING: Negative Declaration for Installation of Lights at Encinal High School Football Field

Background: As part of the installation process for lights at Encinal High School, the Board of Education must submit a certification that the California Environmental Quality Act process has been followed.

ACC Environmental has assessed the project and has prepared a Negative Declaration meaning the proposed school has no negative impact on the environment.

5. Resolution 04-3901 Approval of Mitigated Negative Declaration for Installation of Lights at Encinal High School Football Field

Background: Per agenda item four above, a resolution was prepared with ACC Environmental findings.

The Board approved the resolution.

F-12 Extension of Superintendent Contract

Background: Superintendent Nishino was hired in 2000 with a three year contract ending in 2003. One of the provision of that contract contained language that automatically extended the contract for an additional year upon receiving a satisfactory evaluation. As a result his contract had an expiration of 2007. Over the past year, the Board has been meeting to discuss replacing the current contract.

By a vote 4-1 (Member Gibson dissenting) the Board approved a new three year contract for the Superintendent. In exchange for removing for automatic extension of the contract, the Board approved increasing the Superintendent's compensation with a provision which granted step increases associated with the beginning of the fourth and sixth years of service, similar to increases to teacher's compensation for years of service.



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Last modified: August 11, 2004

Disclaimer: This website is the sole responsibility of Mike McMahon. It does not represent any official opinions, statement of facts or positions of the Alameda Unified School District. Its sole purpose is to disseminate information to interested individuals in the Alameda community.