
BOE Meetings
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BOE Meeting for November 14, 2006

Location Change: Paden School

1. Measure C Bond Oversight Committee Report

Background: A report from the Measure C Oversight Committee was given. Phase 1 the construction of Ruby Bridges is complete. Construction for phase is complete at Lincoln and Earhart. Work continues at Haight and Alameda High. Project planning for phase 3 is underway with reduced scope to match remaining funds.

Strategic Significance: Goal #10 Safe Learning Environment

2. Measure A Fiscal Oversight Committee Report

Background: A report from the Measure A Oversight Committee was given. Unaudited actuals for 2005/06 were presented as well the budgeted amounts for 2006/07.

There were a maximum of 17,341 parcels used for 05/06 with 2,913 parcels exempted and 2,083 being due to "Over 65" exemption. In 06/07 there will be 17,421 parcels with 3,019 total exemptions and 2,044 due to "Over 65" exemption.

Strategic Significance: Goals 1-12

3. Education Enhancement Through Technology (EETT) Grant Report

Background: Alameda Unified School District received $690,000 to implement a technology-enhanced math intervention course called MathTech at all three middle schools: Chipman, Lincoln and Wood.

The MathTech program targeted Far Below and Below Basic students. Results showed gain an average of 33 points.

Strategic Significance: Goal #1-5 Curricular and Assessment Goals

4. Update on Island High School Facility Project

Background: The Community Improvement Commission of the City of Alameda (CIC) and the Alameda Unified School District (the District) entered into an agreement on November 12, 1991 pursuant to the Community Redevelopment Law of the state of California (Health and Safety Code, Section 33401). The purpose of the agreement is to provide a certain portion of the tax increment from the Business and Waterfront Improvement (BWIP) to be transferred to the District (District Housing Fund). The funds will pay for the cost of low and moderate-income housing projects or programs carried out by the District. In addition to the provisions of this agreement, monies are also subject to the applicable Community Redevelopment Law, the City's Housing Element of the General Plan and the agreement resulting from the Clayton Guyton and Modesa Henderson v. City of Alameda action.

After reviewing options, the District's staff direction was to develop existing school property. In doing so, the District will have ownership of an asset that will appreciate in value over time.

In October, 2005, the city of Alameda granted Alameda Unified School District access to those funds to begin predevelopment work.

Staff provided an update on the status of the proposed project at the old Island High school site. Architects made three proposals: Scheme A : Number of Units: 16 with 32 parking spaces Scheme B: 20 units with 29 parking spaces and Scheme C: 20 units with parking spaces. Scheme A is compliant with Measure A . In order to adopt Scheme B or Scheme C, the District would have to partner with Alameda Housing Authority to get exemptions for required parking spaces.

The District has until June, 2007 to select a project or the funds (approximately $2 million) will revert to the City. In the next few months, a study of employee who would qualify under income requirements associated with agreement to determine the feasibility of moving forward will be done. An update is scheduled for April, 2007.

Task Begin By Complete By
Market . .
Identify AUSD employees that qualify Jan 07 March 07
Perform community outreach Jan 07 March 07
Determine suitable amenities, unit types, and sizes April 07 June 07
Develop initial marketing plan June 07 Sept 07
. . .
Site . .
Complete Phase II environment and investigation Oct 06 Dec 06
Consult with City Engineering/Planning Department Nov 06 ongoing
Site feasavilty study Sept 06 Nov 06
Selection of project architect June 07 July 07
Schematice designs Aug 07 Oct 07
Design Review Process Aug 07 Oct 07
Hire geotechnical consultant Sept 07 Sept 07
Geotechnical investigation Sept 07 Oct 07
. . .
Financing . .
Investigate financing availability April 07 June 07
Acquire additional predevelopment funds Oct 06 Nov 06
Prepare initial cost estimates April 07 June 07
Prepare initial pro forma April 07 June 07
Refince cost estimates April 07 Aug 07

33401. The agency (the District) may in any year during which it owns property in a redevelopment project that is tax exempt pay directly to any city, county, city and county, district, including, but not limited to, a school district, or other public corporation for whose benefit a tax would have been levied upon the property had it not been exempt, an amount of money in lieu of taxes that may not exceed the amount of money the public entity would have received if the property had not been tax exempt. Impact on school funding.

Measure A Exception: The City Council agreed in the Settlement Agreement on the Guyton vs. City of Alameda case that Section 26-2 of the City Charter allows the Alameda Housing Authority to replace, with multi family housing, 325 low cost housing units. Three hundred and twenty five represents the number of low cost units lost when the former Buena Vista Apartments were converted to Bridgeport Apartments. The City agreed that the 325 units of multi family housing can be built at densities allowed as of January 1, 1990, even if Zoning and General Plan changes are subsequently adopted which reduce allowable densities.

Fiscal Implications: No more than #145,000 spent from the funds on deposit with the City

Strategic Significance: Goals 1-12

5. PUBLIC HEARING: Resolution 60-4072 Alameda Power & Telecom (AP&T) Dedication Easement for Right of Entry to Maintain Utilities at Wood Middle School

Background: AP&T has requested that the District grant an easement for entry to Wood Middle School. The easement is for access to the site for maintenance of an existing cable trench.

The Board approved the easement.

Strategic Significance: Goal #10 Safe Learning Environment



Send mail to mikemcmahonausd@yahoo.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: November 12, 2006

Disclaimer: This website is the sole responsibility of Mike McMahon. It does not represent any official opinions, statement of facts or positions of the Alameda Unified School District. Its sole purpose is to disseminate information to interested individuals in the Alameda community.