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BOE Special Meetings – 11/14/2002 & 11/16/2002

11/14 Special Board Meeting
1. Facilities Master Plan Presentation

11/16 Special Meeting – Strategic Planning Session
1. Recap of the Session
2. Future Timeline

11/14 Special Board Meeting
1. Facilities Master Plan Presentation

Background: In 2000, AUSD adopted facilities Master Plan. With the expenditures of approximately $27 million on facilities and further negotiations for the Catellus property, the District decided to update the Master plan. 

Presentation: An updated demographic study agreed with the conclusions from the 2000 Master plan that classrooms will be needed 6-8 and 9-12 grade levels in coming years. While the study show that K-5 classrooms would remain relatively flat, individual sites (Haight, Lum and Miller) show a need for classrooms. The rest of presentation focused recommendations. 

Implications: To address the entire facilities needs of the District the group estimated a cost of approximately $100 million. A Prop 39 bond measure (55% yes vote needed) placed on the March, 2004 (earliest date AUSD can place it) for $88,000,000 could cover the $100 million with the rest of the funds coming from State match.

11/16 Special Meeting - Strategic Planning Session
1. Recap of the Session

Background: Approximately 50 individuals participated in the first stakeholders meeting. Prior to the meeting, a Core Team and a Planning Team recommended target areas for improvement. With a overall strategic focus of: Every student will meet or exceed all AUSD and State standards as measured by District and State assessment. The individuals were assigned to four committees: Curriculum/Instruction/Assessment, Strategic Intervention and Support, Vocational/Career/Adult Education and Communications/Community Engagement.

Recap: Each committee has until the end of January to develop goals in their respective area of focus. In the first day, there was presentation by subject area experts, followed by a group discussion of what the core issues were. After the core issues were developed, the committee needed to develop an opened ended question that captured the “real” problem/challenge/opportunity. Using the open ended question, the committee shifted gears and began brainstorming possible solutions. 

2. Future Timeline

Jan 31 Committees deliver first draft reports
Feb Focus groups (other individuals not part of the committees) provide feedback
March 1 Committees meets again to hear and revise their reports
April 8 Presentation of Strategic Plan to the BOE
May 13 BOE approves Strategic Plan 


Send mail to mikemcmahonausd@yahoo.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: November 27, 2002

Disclaimer: This website is the sole responsibility of Mike McMahon. It does not represent any official opinions, statement of facts or positions of the Alameda Unified School District. Its sole purpose is to disseminate information to interested individuals in the Alameda community.