
Mike McMahon AUSD
BOE Meetings Assessment Facilities FinancesFavorite Links

With the successful passage of Measure C in March, 2004, construction can begin on approximately $80+ million in projects. The initial steps include a number of parallel activities that ultimately result in projects being done. The webpage will serve as high level progress being made on the construction projects.

At the March 22, 2004 BOE Workshop a preliminary phasing of the projects was presented. For details of a specific project or site, please click on the link.

By 2005, construction costs had risen significantly and staff presented revised projections at the October 11, 2005 meeting.

Measure C Financial Activity
Measure C Citizens Oversight Committee Meeting Schedule & Minutes
Measure C Updates to the Board

Proposed Phasing for Measure C Projects

Prepared March 2004

Phase 1

Summer 2004
  1. Chipman Middle School - Two-Story Portables
  2. Lincoln Middle School - Two-Story Portables

Phase 2

School Year 2004/05
  1. New School - Bayport Site
  2. Alameda New High School
  3. Miller Elementary
  4. Haight Elementary
  5. Earhart Elementary
  6. Lincoln Middle School Renovation

Phase 3

School Year 2005/06
  1. Paden Elementary
  2. Edison Elementary
  3. Lum Elementary
  4. Otis Elementary
  5. Woodstock Elementary

Phase 4

School Year 2006/07
  1. Washington Elementary
  2. Longfellow Elementary
  3. Bay Farm Elementary
  4. Franklin Elementary
  5. Chipman Middle School Renovation

Phase 5

School Year 2006/07
  1. Alameda Historic Outer Wings
  2. Alameda Historic Middle Wings
  3. Alameda Adult School

Phase 6

School Year 2006/07
  1. Wood Middle School
  2. Encinal High School
  3. Woodstock Child Development Center
Send mail to mikemcmahonausd@yahoo.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: October 27, 2004

Disclaimer: This website is the sole responsibility of Mike McMahon. It does not represent any official opinions, statement of facts or positions of the Alameda Unified School District. Its sole purpose is to disseminate information to interested individuals in the Alameda community.