
Mike McMahon AUSD
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2005 Budget Recap for AUSD

December, 2004 Developments

At the December 14th BOE Meeting, the Chief Financial Officer presented a recap of the significant events since the budget adoption in June that had fiscal implications on AUSD as well as adjustments to the 2004/05 Original Budget and 2005/06 Projected Budget resulting in a projected $2,400,000 deficit.

January, 2005 Developments

At the January 11th BOE Meeting, the Chief Financial Officer presented a detailed list total $6,200,000 of the potential program reductions.

Comments from the community begin to be received regarding the upcoming budget discussions for the Alameda.

At the January 18th BOE Workshop, the Chief Financial Officer presented a handout with additional explanation of the potential program reductions. California School Employees Association presented their alternative 2005/06 Budget Reductions. The public had the following comments.

At the January 25th BOE meeting, the Chief Financial Officer presented the staff/superintendent recommendations of $2,377,00 in reductions.

At the January 25th BOE meeting, the Chief Financial Officer presented a report on the Governor's 2005-06 Budget Proposal.

Febuaury, 2005 Developments

At the February 1st worksop, the Chief Financial Officer presented an alternative budget recommendation totaling $1,625,000 in budget reductions. This alternative budget recommendation assumes passage of legislation which allows the District an additional year to decide how address its deficit.

On February 1st, the PTA Council has launched an intensive campaign to capture every attendance dollar possible between now and April 15. Here is their flyer. In addition, PTA Council will be encouraging its members to write letters to State officials including the Governor in support of public education funding.

The Board voted 5-0 to approve 2005/06 Spending Reduction totaling $1,625,000.

This is the third round of budget reductions passed by the Board in the past four years including 2003 Spending Reductions totaling $1,700,000 and 2001 Spending Reductions totaling $1,600,000

The Board approved a staff recommendation to place a parcel tax measure on the June 7, 2005 ballot. If passed, the ballot measure will raise an additional $1,200,000 for our children.
Contact AlamedaSchools@alamedanet.net to learn how you can help with the passage of this ballot measure.

March, 2005 Developments

At the March 22nd BOE meeting, the Board of Education passed the second interim financial statements. Because the District may not meet its financial obiligations for the two subsequent fiscal years, the interim statements will be submitted as "Qualified". If the Board fails to take action by the end of the current year to address 2005/06 reserve requirements, a fiscal advisor will be appointed in Fall, 2005.

May, 2005 Developments

At the May 10th BOE meeting, the Associate Superintendent for Fiscal Services from Alameda County Office of Education made a presentation to the Board. She covered the provisions of AB1200 which outline the County obligations in reviewing and approving school district's budgets. She confirmed that fact if AUSD submits a 2005/06 budget where the reserves are below 3%, the County is obligated to disapprove the budget. At that point, the County would work with the District to develop a fiscal recovery plan and appoint a fiscal advisor to oversee the recovery plan.

The May Revise shows very little improvement for AUSD.

AB 659 has placed on inactive status after it was determined there was not enough biparistan support (2/3 needed) for the bill. Assembly Member Chan now will attempt to get the reduced reserve language included in the state budget.

June, 2005 Developments

Measure A passed with 67.20% of the total vote. AUSD will receive $3,000,000 per year for the next seven years. As a result, AUSD will be able to submit a budget that is complaint with fiscal requirements of the Education Code.

July, 2005 Developments

The Governor signed the 2005/06 budget. AUSD will receive a report on the impact at an August Board meeting.

August, 2005 Developments

The California Teachers Association announces a new partnership with California businesses to address public education funding.

Additional Information

2003 State Budget Crisis

2004 State Budget Crisis

2005 State Budget Crisis

2003 AUSD Budget Issues

2004 AUSD Budget Issues

Send mail to mikemcmahonausd@yahoo.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: May 11, 2005

Disclaimer: This website is the sole responsibility of Mike McMahon. It does not represent any official opinions, statement of facts or positions of the Alameda Unified School District. Its sole purpose is to disseminate information to interested individuals in the Alameda community.