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Measure C Citizen's Oversight Committtee Selection

The Citizen's Oversigh Committee must be compromised of at least seven (7) members formed within 60 days of certified election results, which occured at the May 11th, 2004 Board of Education meeting. Members may serve up to two terms, with each term being up to two (2) years each. The District solicited applications from the members of the community and attempt to fill the special interest group positions required under the Proposition 39 statutes and provisions. The application deadline is June 17th. These designated positions include one (1) member from each:

  1. Business Organization
  2. Senior Citizen's Group
  3. Taxpayer's Organization
  4. Student Group
  5. District Support Organization
  6. at-large community member
  7. at-large community member

The District may make the committee larger than seven (7) members if it so desires.

In addition, the District is reponsible for staff and support for the Committee. However, the costs to support the Committee may not be paid from the Bonds. This support includes paying for an annual independent financial audit and performance audit, the cost of outside consultants, office supplies, meeting materials, District staff time, and publishing the results of the findings of the Committee.

At the June 29th, 2004 Special Board meeting, the Board of Education appointed the following individuals to the Oversight Committee:

  • Dan Aljoe -- Community Member
  • Judge Richard Bartalini -- Business Organization
  • David Kirwin -- Parent Member
  • Michael Lane -- Community At-Large
  • John McCormick -- Parent Member
  • Dick Rudloff Senior Citizen Group

Since no one applied as an active member of a Taxpayer Organization, the District will continue to solicit applicants on a periodic basis.

At the July 19th Special Board meeting, Basil Shiber was appointed as representative from a taxpayer's organization.

At the first meeting of the Oversight committee on July 21, 2004, members drew lots with the results as follows:

One-Year Term Two-Year Term
David Kirwin Daniel Aljoe
John McCormick Judge Richard Bartalini
Dick Rudloff Michael Lane
Basil Shaber

Their meeting schedule and minutes are available here.

Measure C Tasks

Measure C Home Page

Measure C Projects Home Page

For additional information please the District Chief Financial Officer Lorenzo Legaspi:llegaspi@alameda.k12.ca.us

Send mail to mikemcmahonausd@yahoo.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: August 2, 2004

Disclaimer: This website is the sole responsibility of Mike McMahon. It does not represent any official opinions, statement of facts or positions of the Alameda Unified School District. Its sole purpose is to disseminate information to interested individuals in the Alameda community.