
Mike McMahon AUSD
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Timeline of Events Leading to 2007 Budget Cuts

January, 2007

Without crossing any lines regarding confidentiality, I will attempt to lay out a timeline of events leading up January, 2007. This is not an official representation of the District and/or the Board of Education:

December, 2002: Governnor Davis "finds" a $30 billion deficit after reelection, takes back the 2% COLA in the 02/03 budget

March 2003: Board approves $1.7 million in budget reductions

March, 2003: AEA submits openers for new three year contract starting July, 2003

January, 2004: After 8 negotiation sessions, AEA requests an impasse declaration from PERB, request is denied

April, 2004: Impasse is declared after the District and AEA can not agree on salary increases, AEA is requesting over $2 million

June, 2004: After 4 sessions of meditation, a settlement is reached. Teachers receive $0 in the first year (03/04), $270,000 the second year, and $540,000 plus a salary formula in the third year (05/06)

September, 2004: Enrollment drops over 200 students

February, 2005: Superintendent recommends $2.4 million in cuts and the Board approves $1.6 million and approves the placement of a new parcel tax on the June ballot

April, 2005: Superintendent announces he is leaving the District

June, 2005: By a 52 vote margin, a $189 parcel tax is passed generating $1,200,000 in addition revenue

June, 2005: Reserves are at 1.5% and need to be replenished to 3% by June, 2006

September, 2005: Another drop of enrollment of 200 students

November, 2005: Workshop on Declining Enrollment on school closure options

January/February 2006: Board approves $800,000 in budget reductions including consolidating three schools into one school

June, 2006: Reserves are at 3% with $900,000 set aside for pending salary arbitration outcome

August, 2006: Arbitrator awards 3.9% increase to AEA, retroactive to July, 2005. Annual cost due to “me too” clauses with other bargaining units is $2.1 million in ongoing expense

October/November, 2006: Budget reports were presented at Board of Education meetings on October 24 and November 28, 2006. At that time, the Board approved a $2.1 million budget revision for 2006/07 with the stipulation that budget cuts for 2007-2008 would be necessary.


Comments. Questions. Broken links? Bad spelling! Incorrect Grammar? Let me know at webmaster.
Last modified: , 2006

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