
Mike McMahon AUSD
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Student Achievement

District and Site Measurable Goals 2005-2006

GOAL 1: The District will increase the proficiency performance of all AUSD students in English Language Arts and Mathematics by 5% while increasing or maintaining the performance of any group performing at or above 90% proficient.

Sub goals

  1. AUSD will increase the District API by at least 16 points to reach the state marker of 800.
  2. The District will increase proficiency in each grade for ELA and Mathematics by 5%.
  3. All district subgroups will increase their percent proficient at least 5% in English Language Arts and Mathematics to meet Annual Measurable Objectives under NCLB.
  4. The District will increase the percentage of continuously enrolled English Language Learners who score proficient or above on the CST in ELA and Mathematics by at least 5%.
  5. The District will increase the performance of GATE students 3% in both ELA and Mathematics

GOAL 2: The District will close the achievement gap in English Language Arts and Mathematics for continuously enrolled students between our lowest performing subgroups, African American and Hispanic students, and our highest performing subgroups.

Sub goals

  1. The District will close the gap between the highest and lowest performing subgroups of continuously enrolled students* by at least 10% points in ELA and Mathematics.
  2. The District will decrease the number of continuously enrolled* African American and Hispanic students performing in the Far Below and Below Basic performance bands by 10% in ELA and Mathematics. (NET GAIN)
  3. The District will increase percent of continuously enrolled African American and Hispanic students who are proficient in ELA and Mathematics by at least 10%.
  4. The District will increase the percentage proficient of continuously enrolled African American and Hispanic GATE students 5%.

GOAL 3:The District will increase the number of students who graduate from high school and are eligible for college and/or career options.

Sub goals

  1. The California High School Exit Exam 1st time passage rate will increase to 90% in ELA and Mathematics.
  2. The California High School Exit Exam repeat attempt passage rate will increase by 25 % ELA and 20% in Mathematics.
  3. The District will increase the passage rate in ELA and Mathematics African American and Hispanic students on The California High School Exit Exam by 10%.
  4. The District will increase the percentage of students passing Geometry by the sophomore year 5%.


Comments. Questions. Broken links? Bad spelling! Incorrect Grammar? Let me know at webmaster.
Last modified: September 28, 2005

Disclaimer: This website is the sole responsibility of Mike McMahon. It does not represent any official opinions, statement of facts or positions of the Alameda Unified School District. Its sole purpose is to disseminate information to interested individuals in the Alameda community.