Alameda's Adopted Board Standards
Source: The California School Boards Association (CSBA)
Public oversight of local
government is the foundation of
American democracy. Nowhere is this
more evident than in our public
schools, where local boards of
education are entrusted by their
diverse communities to uphold the
Constitution, protect the public
interest in schools and ensure that a
high quality education is provided to
each student. To maximize the
public’s confidence in local
government, our local boards must
govern responsibly and effectively.
The California School Boards
Association (CSBA), representing
nearly 1,000 local school districts
and county boards of education,
recognizes there are certain
fundamental principles involved in
governing responsibly and effectively.
These principles — or Professional
Governance Standards — reflect
consensus among hundreds of board
members, superintendents and other
educational leaders throughout the
These Professional Governance
Standards describe the three
components vital to effective school
1) the attributes of an
effective individual trustee,
2) the attributes of an effective
governing board, and
3) the specific jobs the board
performs in its governance role.
The intent of these standards is to
enhance the public’s understanding
about the critical responsibilities of
local boards and to support boards in
their efforts to govern effectively. |
The Individual Trustee |
The Board  |
The Board’s Jobs |
In California’s public
education system, a trustee is a
person elected or appointed to
serve on a school district or
county board of education.
Individual trustees bring unique
skills, values and beliefs to
their board. In order to govern
effectively, individual trustees
must work with each other and
the superintendent to ensure
that a high quality education is
provided to each student. | |
School districts and
county offices of education are
governed by boards, not by
individual trustees. While
understanding their separate
roles, the board and
superintendent work together as
a “governance team.” This
team assumes collective
responsibility for building
unity and creating a positive
organizational culture in order
to govern effectively. | |
The primary
responsibilities of the board
are to set a direction for the
district, provide a structure by
establishing policies, ensure
accountability and provide
community leadership on behalf
of the district and public
education. To fulfill these
responsibilities, there are a
number of specific jobs that
effective boards must carry out. | |
To be effective, an
individual trustee: | |
To operate effectively,
the board must have a unity of
purpose and: | |
Keeps learning and
achievement for all students
as the primary focus.
Values, supports and
advocates for public
Recognizes and respects
differences of perspective
and style on the board and
among staff, students,
parents and the community.
Acts with dignity, and
understands the implications
of demeanor and behavior.
Keeps confidential
matters confidential.
Participates in
professional development and
commits the time and energy
necessary to be an informed
and effective leader.
Understands the
distinctions between board
and staff roles, and
refrains from performing
management functions that
are the responsibility of
the superintendent and
Understands that
authority rests with the
board as a whole and not
with individuals. |
Keep the district focused
on learning and achievement
for all students.
Communicate a common
Operate openly, with
trust and integrity.
Govern in a dignified and
professional manner,
treating everyone with
civility and respect.
Govern within
board-adopted policies and
Take collective
responsibility for the
board’s performance.
Periodically evaluate its
own effectiveness.
Ensure opportunities for
the diverse range of views
in the community to inform
board deliberations. |
Involve the community,
parents, students and staff
in developing a common
vision for the district
focused on learning and
achievement and responsive
to the needs of all
Adopt, evaluate and
update policies consistent
with the law and the
district’s vision and
Maintain accountability
for student learning by
adopting the district
curriculum and monitoring
student progress.
Hire and support the
superintendent so that the
vision, goals and policies
of the district can be
Conduct regular and
timely evaluations of the
superintendent based on the
vision, goals and
performance of the district,
and ensure that the
superintendent holds
district personnel
Adopt a fiscally
responsible budget based on
the district’s vision and
goals, and regularly monitor
the fiscal health of the
Ensure that a safe and
appropriate educational
environment is provided to
all students.
Establish a framework for
the district’s collective
bargaining process and adopt
responsible agreements.
Provide community
leadership on educational
issues and advocate on
behalf of students and
public education at the
local, state and federal
levels. | |
© 2004 California School Boards Association.
All rights reserved. | | | |
Pennsylvania School Board Associations Standards for Effective School Governance
Iowa School Board Associations Standards for Effective School Governance
In Reno, Nevada the Washoe Couny School District began working on an Action Plan for Building of Trusteees Governing Capacity developed in partnership of consultant Doug Eadie In Janaury, 2006, the school board adopted a new Governing Mission. To support this new mission, the school board created new Standing Committees and adopted rules for participation on the Standing Committees.
S.D. school trustees regain right to criticize chief
By Maureen Magee, SAN DIEGO UNION-TRIBUNE, October 14, 2008
SAN DIEGO – When San Diego school trustees agreed to a policy that prohibits them from criticizing the superintendent, they were lambasted for compromising their duty to speak frankly to constituents who elected them.
The school board may never live down that governance policy. But on Tuesday, they decided to change it.
At the suggestion of trustee Shelia Jackson, board members removed two portions of the controversial conduct code – one that bans them from publicly criticizing the Superintendent Terry Grier and one that prohibits them from undermining board decisions when talking to the press or public.
“I'm glad my peers agree with me on this,” said Jackson, who was the only trustee to vote against the original policy on Sept. 9.
The board adopted the strict governance policy last month following a series of public workshops designed to improve relations on a board that is known for micromanaging the affairs of the San Diego Unified School District.
But some of the rules in that initial policy were “not only unenforceable but, if truth be told, tend to diminish and degrade the dignity and integrity of this elected body and deprive the community of a public airing of issues by our elected representatives,” said Norma Damashek, co-president of the League of Women Voters of San Diego.
Trustee John de Beck said the intent was never to stamp out dissent on the board, rather it was to impose “some kind of civility,” something the board has been accused of lacking in the past.
Grier said he can take the criticism that goes with his job heading the state's second-largest public school system. In fact, he said he had nothing to do with writing the policy.
The conduct code still addresses behavior during public forums and professional conduct.
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Last modified: April 14, 2004
Disclaimer: This website is the sole responsibility of Mike
McMahon. It does not represent any official opinions, statement of facts or
positions of the Alameda Unified School District. Its sole purpose is to
disseminate information to interested individuals in the Alameda community.
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