Recap for January 12 BOE MeetingSchool District Formal Agenda - PDF Version including Consent Items 1.) Highlighting Alameda Schools - Franklin School Background: Franklin staff shared a presentation about their school. Fiscal Implications: . 2.) Employee(s) of the Month Background: Each month we recognize employee nominated for exceptional service. This month we recognized: Karen Roemer, Librarian, Alameda School Fiscal Implications: None 3.) Math Initiative Update- 1st Trimester Progress Report Background: Using formative assessment to mitigate learning gaps, staff shared their model for mathematics reform. Fiscal Implications: None 4.) State Student Achievement Data: English Language Learners Background: Staff made a presentation of the achievement data of English Language Learners. Fiscal Implications: None 5.) State of the District II - Graduation Rate, Drop Out Rate and Analysis of Advanced Placement Results Background: This item was postponed. Fiscal Implications: . 6.) Certificate of Participation (COP) Presentation Background: Staff is recommending paying off the remaining balance of debt issued in 1997. Fiscal Implications: $317,000 from Capital Facilities Fund 7.) Approval of Facilities Master Plan Background: Staff presented a Facilities Master Plan for approval. This item will be approved at a later date. Fiscal Implications: None 8.) Budget Development Calendar for 2010-2011 Background: Staff will presented a budget development calendar for 2010. The Board approved the calendar. Fiscal Implications: None 9.) Parcel Tax Presentation - Recommendation Background: In order to protect essential programs for our students and to achieve resolution of litigation over Measure H that would work for our community, the District and John Beery, one of the litigants in the Measure H litigation, convened a Parcel Tax Advisory Group. The Group's purpose was to recommend to the Board of Education a proposed structure for a new parcel tax which if successful, will supersede the current parcel taxes. The Group was comprised of 12 members who represented a broad cross section of Alameda. The Group met on October 29, November 19, December 10 and January 7. Staff presented for informational purposes the Group's recommendation for a new parcel tax. After the presentation, the Superintendent shared that the group did discuss what they thought voters might tolerate. Those dollar limits were $499 for homeowners, up to $250 per unit for multi-unit dwellings and 12 cents to 13 cents a square foot for commercial property owners, with a $5,999 cap. In public comments, John Beery, a plaintiff in the current litigation of Measure H, indicated he could not support the group's recommendation of a split roll tax and offered an alternative proposal of a flat $0.12/sq. ft for all parcels with a floor of $399 and a cap of $5999. Fiscal Implications: None 10.) Alameda Unified School District Educational Technology Plan Background: Staff presented an overview of the 2010-2103 educational technology plan. Fiscal Implications: None 11.) School Year 2010/2011 Calendar Background: Staff and the Alameda Education Association are working on next year's school calendar. Here are two versions of the school calendar that have been discussed. Alameda Education Association calendar and District calendar. Staff and AEA will continue to negotiate to resolve the differences between the two calendars. Fiscal Implications: None