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BOE Meeting for January 13, 2004

1. Appointment of Director of Woodstock Child Development Center

Background: Carol Barton was recommended by the Superintendent and approved by the Board.

2. Employees of the Month

Background: Monthly the District recognizes employees. This month District recognized:

  • Kevin Hennesse, PE Teacher/Co-Athletic Director, Alameda High School
  • Terri Elkin, Teacher, Chipman Middle School
  • 3. Recognition of Terri Elkin for Certification by the National Board of Professional Teaching Standards

    Background: The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards provides advanced certification for teachers. To receive certification teachers spend 200-400 hours creating a portfolio of work that demonstrates clear and consistent evidence of adherence to NBPTS Standards. National Board Certification is a rare desgination with only 22 teachers (.02%) in Alameda county having achieved the designation.

    4. Chipman Middle School Literacy Restructing Plan

    Item Type: Information (20 minutes)

    Background: Chipman Middle School created is first in-school reading intervention program in 2001-02 school year. In early 2003, the staff made a decision to restructure the entire master schedule in order provide a block of three period core of intensive intervention. 96% of the students with lowest literacy skills are meeting or exceeding expectations during the first four months of implementation.

    5. Election of Board President and Vice President

    Background: At the annual organization meeting the Board elects a President and Vice President.

    Member Gibson declined consideration for Board President due to her new personal work schedule. The Board then elected Bob Reeves as President and Mike McMahon as Vice President.

    6. Proposed 2004 Schedule of Regular Board of Education Meetings

    Background: At the annual organization meeting the Board approves the schedule of regular Board of Education meetings for the year.

    The Board addopted the calendar of meetings.

    7. Adoption of Board of Education Committee Assignments

    Background: At the annual organization meeting the Board approves committee assignments. Staff will update Board member preferences for committees as well as meeting times for some committees.

    8. Proposed Amendment to the Memorandum of Understanding between AUSD and Alameda Community Learning Center (ACLC)

    Background: Currently, the ACLC has Memorandum of Understanding with AUSD to function as a charter school, serving grades 7 to 12. The presentation proposed adding 6th grade to their program.

    The Board will take action on this item at the next Board meeting.

    9. Report on Governor's Budget Proposal for Fiscal Year 2004-05

    Background: The Governor's budget was released on January 9th. While it will take weeks to determine the fiscal impact on AUSD, Lorenzo Legaspi, CBO, presented a quick overview of the new budget. First, the Education Coalition worked out a deal with the Governor. While the Prop 98 would have provided an additional $3 billion for education, the deal accepts $1 billion in 2004/05. Second, there is a proposal to lump 22 categorical programs into a one block grant. Specific impacts of this feature an AUSD will be presented at a future Board meeting. Third, there are two March 2 ballot propositions, Prop 57 and Prop 58 that must pass in order for this budget to remain viable.

    10. Revise Board Policy Regarding High School Graduation Requirements

    Background: Education Code 51224.5 requires high school students to successfully complete Algebra I content standards as requirement for graduation. Staff is recommending change to District policy to update District policy. Approximately, 50 students are affected by this policy change. In addition, staff is updating District policy to incorporate recent changes related to the California High School Exit Exam.

    The Board received the report and will take action at the next Board meeting.



    Send mail to mikemcmahonausd@yahoo.com with questions or comments about this web site.
    Last modified: January 9, 2004

    Disclaimer: This website is the sole responsibility of Mike McMahon. It does not represent any official opinions, statement of facts or positions of the Alameda Unified School District. Its sole purpose is to disseminate information to interested individuals in the Alameda community.