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BOE Meeting – 01/14/03

  1. Report on ROP Careers with Children
  2. Architect Selection – New Woodstock School
  3. No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Overview
  4. Report on Governor’s Proposed 03/04 Budget Proposal

1. Report on ROP Careers with Children

Background: Alameda/Encinal high school students are eligible for college credit if they complete a 360 hour curriculum for Careers with Children. Students investigate careers in child psychology, pediatrics, nursing, teaching and the field of children’s advocacy. Students are taught to apply their knowledge and skills in the areas of nutrition, health, safety, guidance, and curriculum design.

Presentation: Ms.Judy Lewis (AHS) and Ms. Marie Kayler introduced students from their respective schools. The students presented an overview of the program and shared their experiences about the class work.

Alameda High program is a Tuesday to Thursday pre school program for approximately 15 children aged 3 to 5. Encinal High program is a Tuesday to Thursday infant and toddler program serving approximately 15 children.

2. Architect Selection – New Woodstock School

Background:  In November 2002, the Board approved the building of a new school at the “Catellus”.  The new school is currently scheduled to open in September 2004. In December 2002, the Board created a Design Committee of 25 to provide input to the selected architect.

Presentation: Bob DeLuca reviewed the selection process of the architect and recommended the selection of LPA, Architects.

Implications: With the selection of the architect and formation of Design Committee, the process can move forward. Due to tight timelines associated with the September, 2004 opening, it is hoped that the Design Committee can complete their work by the end of February.

3. No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Overview

Background:  The act contains four basic education reform principles: stronger accountability for results, increased flexibility and local control, expanded options for parents, and an emphasis on teaching methods that have been proven to work.

Some of the major programs which will affected in Alameda by NCLB are Title I (improving academic achievement for the disadvantaged), Title II (improving teacher quality), Title III (education of limited English proficient students), Title IV (21st Century Schools, including safe and drug free schools), Title V (innovative programs), and Title X (education of the homeless).

Presentation: Barbara Lee/Jane Lee/Ricardo Amador presented an overview using a 35 page document. If you are interested in a copy of presentation, please contact me.

Under the current timeline, the District is required by May 1st to submit a document to demonstrate how they plan to implement NCLB.

Implications: The amount of district staff time needed to review and modify existing policies and regulations will be significant. In addition, while there will be a change in federal funding, it is apparent there will not be enough funds to cover all of the mandates.

4. Report on Governor’s Proposed  03/04 Budget Proposal

Background:  In December, the Governor proposed mid-year cuts from the 02/03 budget. The Legislature has not acted on those proposals and was waiting the Governor’s 03/04 budget proposal.

Presentation: Lorenzo Legaspi made a number of observations:

  • If the mid-year cuts are enacted as proposed, Alameda Unified would be looking at cuts approximating $1.7 million in this calendar year.
  • Since the 03/04 budget it is dependent on Legislature’s action on the mid-year proposal, it is harder to estimate the impact on the District at this time.

Implications: The ball is clearly in the Legislature’s court. While the District can take some preventative measures at this time, we can not act until we have complete understanding of what is actually enacted.


Send mail to mikemcmahonausd@yahoo.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: January 16, 2003

Disclaimer: This website is the sole responsibility of Mike McMahon. It does not represent any official opinions, statement of facts or positions of the Alameda Unified School District. Its sole purpose is to disseminate information to interested individuals in the Alameda community.