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BOE Meeting for January 27 BOE Meeting

1. Approval of Audit Report for Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2008

Background: Each year the Board of Education is required to approve the annual audit of the financial books of the District. The audit firm of Nigro, Nigro & White will present the audit report. Copies are available at District Office in the Fiscal Services office. Due to a family emergency, the representative from the audit firm was unavailable so this item will be presented at the next BOE meeting.

Fiscal Implications: None

Superintendent Goal: Goal #2 Align fiscal spending.

2. Sunshine Proposal for Alameda Education Association

Background: Alameda Education Association and Alameda Unified School District have a contract that expires in Juen 30, 2009. Alameda Education Association is submitting their openers. Their interest are:

The Alameda Education Association proposes to enter into a new Collective Bargaining Agreement effective July 1, 20009 for a term of one year that will contain the same level of salary and benefits and other terms and conditions of employment that are in the 2006-09 contract including side-letters and MOUs.

The Board accepted the sunshine proposal. Staff will be presenting the District's sunshine proposal at the last BOE meeting in February.

Fiscal Implications: Unknown

Superintendent Goal: Goal #4 Recruit and retain highly qualified employees.

3. Approval of AB1200 Forms for California School Employees Association CSEA 27 Paraprofessionals

Background: According to the contract between CSEA 27 and AUSD dental and vision benefits will be offered to part-time Paraprofessionals on a pro-rata basis. Staff needs to present the costs associated this implementation of this benefit before approving the contract with CSEA 27.

The Board approved the cost provision.

Fiscal Implications: $150, 000 in 08/09 and $300,000 in 09/10

Superintendent Goal: Goal #4 Recruit and retain highly qualified employees.

4. Ratify Contract with California School Employees Association 27

Background: The collective bargaining agreement with CSEA 27 and Alameda Unified School District for the period 2008-2011 is being presented for approval.

The Board approved the contract.

Fiscal Implications: None

Superintendent Goal: Goal #4 Recruit and retain highly qualified employees.

5. Educational Technology Implementation Update

Background: Staff presented an update to the 2007-2010 Educational Technology Plan.

Fiscal Implications: None

Superintendent Goal: Goal #4 Recruit and retain highly qualified employees.

6.) Approval for E-Rate Contract for Network Services

Background: The network equipment is over five years old and failing at an alarming rate. Additionally, the existing network configuration supplied by AP&T is over 10 years old. The existing infrastructure is incapable of supporting educational technology needs was detailed in the last BOE meeting. Technology Services will be soliciting bids to replace and upgrade the network using Federal E-rate funding.

Staff presented a summary of the bid process and recommended ATT as the vendor.

Fiscal Implications: From $100,000 to $150,000 per year from the General Fund and one time costs to $25,000 to $50,000

Superintendent Goal: Goal #1 Improve student achievement.

7.) Report on Governor's Budget Proposal for Fiscal Year 2009/10

Background: Staff made a presentation regarding the impact of the Governor's proposed 2009/10 budget on Alameda Unified School District. Staff is recommending the catergory spending flexibility proposed by the Governor and Measure H dollars to avoid any significant reductions in services.

Fiscal Implications: None

Superintendent Goal: Goal #2 Align fiscal resources Goal #4 Attract and retain quality employees.

8.) Request for Postponement of the Approval of the Memorandum of Understanding between Community Learning Center Schools, Inc and Alameda Unified School District

Background: In December, 2008 the Board of Education provisionally approved the Community Learning Center Schools, Inc charter for Nea. Both parties are in agreement that the date for approval will be extended until February 24, 2009. Areas still being worked include Special Education Services, Extra Curricular Learner Participation in middle and high school athletics, athletic events, social events and concurrent enrollment. The Board approved the extension.

Fiscal Implications: None