BOE Meeting for February 10, 2004 1. Employee of the Month Background: Each month the Board of Education honors employees nominated for Employee of the Month. This month the persons honored were: 2. Report on E-Mentoring Pilot Program Background: Board Member McMahon established communication between the Director of the ROP and Mervyns by suggesting the implementation of E-Mentoring program. Between October and January, three students and three Mervyn's employees participated in a pilot program. The students and mentors exchanged weekly EMails on a prescribed curriculum. In the Spring, the E-Mentoring program will be expanded based on student interest. 3. Report on ROP Students Visit to KTVU Channel 2 Background: To thank Brian Banmiller, KTVU TV host, for hosting the "Business in Education" symposium in November, the ROP Food Class prepared lunch for him and his television crew. 4. Revised Board Policy Regarding Physical Education Item Type: Information (15 minutes) Background: Besides some technical changes to Board policy due to changes in Ed Code, the Board received a report on optional language that would allow exemptions to the PE credit for those students who participate in interscholastic sports. 6. Report on No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Highly Qualified Teachers Requirement Background: The 2002 reauthorization of the federal Elementary and Secondary Edcuation Act, commonly referred to as No Child Left Behind (NCLB) established a number of new requirements for local school districts. The challenge each school district faces is attempting to determine what consitute compliance with the Federal law. In many areas, the Federal law allows each state to set criteria. In the case of "highly qualified teachers", California has been working establishing guidelines for districts since 2002. In June, 2003, the State Superintendnt of Public Instruction, Jack O'Connell issued an update on California's Plan of Highly Qualified Teachers. Staff presented a report on what AUSD is doing to ensure compliance with NCLB in the area of "highly qualified" teachers. 7. Board Policy Regarding Highly Qualified Teachers Requirement Background: Per agenda item six above, Board policy needs revision to become compliant with NCLB.
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