BOE Meeting for February 22, 2005 1. Nutrition Policy Update Background: Staff presented an update on the progress to create a nutrition wellness policy required by Federal law in September 2006. The District is headed in the right direction and has drafted initial language for a policy. A Nutrition Policy Committee will meet three times over the next few months to finalize the policy. The policy is expected to ready for Board approval in June. 2. Measure A Fiscal Oversight Committee Report Background: The oversight committee for Measure A meets four times a year The committee will provide a report on Measure A expenditures. Due to a family emergency, the Measure A committee member was unable to attend the meeting. The agenda item was tabled. 3. Resolution No. 05-3932 In Support of PTA Resolution on Proposition 98 for California Schools Background: The California State PTA has adopted a resolution that calls for the Governor and the Legislature to ensure minimum adequate funding as guaranteed by Proposition 98. The Board of Education adopted a resolution declaring its support the advocacy efforts of the California PTA and Alameda PTA Council. February 17th was PTA Advocacy Day and Alameda PTA council organized a letter writing campaign. Thanks to the efforts of Lisa Robles, Kris Venturini, Trish Spencer and Donna Flethcher, 1846 letters were delivered to elected officials in Sacramento. 4. California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE) Update Background: The California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE) is one of the key tests required by the STAR accountability system. The current 11th grade class is the first class to be required to pass the test in order to receive a high school diploma. Every student has five opportunities to take the test starting in March of their tenth grade through their twelfth grade year. The test consists of two portions, English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics. 82% of the current 11th grade students tested have passed both the ELA and mathematics portion of the CAHSEE. Of the 789 juniors we have 83 students who have not passed the ELA portion and 69 students who have not passed the Math portion. 5. Resolution No. 05-3931 Calling Parcel Tax Election, Setting Forth the Specifications Thereof, and Requesting Consolidation with Other Elections Background: Measure A was approved in November, 2001. The parcel tax levy of $109 was for five years and ends June 30, 2007. In order to continue meeting the educational needs of the District, it is necessary to replace the qualfied special tax in the amount of $189 per year per taxable parcel. The adoption of this assessment will benefit all of the Alameda schools by:
By approving the resolution, the Board of Education directs District staff to request the Alameda County Clerk/County Registar of Voters to submit to the voters of the District on June 7, 2005, the following ballot measure: "To improve education in Alameda schools, retain experienced teachers and attract new qualified teachers, retain teaching specialist in reading, math and science, perserve educational programs in music, art and to maintain small class sizes, shall Alameda Unified School District replaces its existing $109 paracl tax with a $189 yearly tax for seven years, providing for an exemption for senior citizens, no money for adminstrators and with all money to benefit local Alameda schools?" The Board voted 4-0-1 (Member Jensen abstaining due to lack of complete information and Member Gibson voting Yes with reservations) to approve the placement of the ballot measure on June 7th ballot. Fiscal Implications: If approved, the Measure will generate approximately $3,180,000 per year for seven years.
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