BOE Minutes for February 24, 2004 1. Appointment of Director of Fiscal Services Background: The former Director Fiscal Services resigned in November,2003. Luz Cazares was appointed by the Board of Education. 2. Alameda Legacy Fund: An Endowment for Excellence and Innovation in Education Background: The Alameda Education Foundation has developed a new fundraising initiative. The initiative is named the Alameda Legacy Fund: an Endowment for Excellence and Innovation in Education. The mission of the Alameda Legacy Fund is to "ensure that resources exist to enable every child in the Alameda school system to achieve his or her potential". To accomplishh the mission, the Alameda Legacy Fund has four critical ojectives:
Richard Heaps, Chairman of the Legacy Fund indicated that the formal announcement of Legacy Fund will be made on Saturday at the AEF Gala. 3. Alameda Adult School Report Background: The Alameda Adult School serves over 4,000 adult learners of varied ages, backgrounds, interests, and educational needs. The Adult School offers classes in eight of the ten possible areas: 1.) Adult Basic Education, 2.) High School Diploma/GED Preparation, 3.) English as a Second Language, 4.)Parenting, 5.) Vocational Education, 6.) Older Adult Education, 7.) Home Economics and 8.) Health and Safety. It also offers a variety of fee-based special interest classes. 4. Report on No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Highly Qualified Paraprofessionals Requirement Background: The 2002 reauthorization of the federal Elementary and Secondary Edcuation Act, commonly referred to as No Child Left Behind (NCLB) established a number of new requirements for local school districts. The challenge each school district faces is attempting to determine what consitute compliance with the Federal law. In many areas, the Federal law allows each state to set criteria. In the case of "highly qualified paraprofessionals", California has been working establishing guidelines for districts since 2002. In August, 2003, the State School Board adopted a policy Policy for Highly Qualified Paraprofessionals Requirements. Staff presented a report on what AUSD is doing to ensure compliance with NCLB. 5. Board Policy Regarding Highly Qualified Paraprofessionals Requirement Background: Related to agenda item 5 above, staff presented a draft of the changes to policy regarding compliance with NCLB for highly qualified paraprofessionals. 6. Revised Board Policy Regarding Comprehensive Local Plan for Special Education Background: Due to federal mandates revision to board policy are needed. 7. Revised Board Policy Reagrding Comprehensive Local Plan for Individual Education Program Background: Due to federal mandates revision to board policy are needed. 8. Update on AUSD Math Initiatives 2003-2004 Item Type: Information (25 minutes) Background: Results from the district wide semester midterm exam for middle and high school were presented. Gains for 5 to 10% can be attributed to ongoing focus of vetical and horizontal articulation of math curriculum, staff development and oustide expertise of Phil Gonzalez.
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