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Special BOE Meeting for March 7, 2006

1. Approval of Job Description - Assistant Superinetendent of Educational Services

Background: With the appointment of Ardella Dailey as Superintendent, the Assistant Superintendent position is open. For the 2004/05 school year, Carol Robie came out of retirement to serve on part-time interim basis. In order to permanently filled the position, a revised job description has been created prior to advierstising the opening.

The Board approved the job description.

2. Resolution 06-4013 Recommendation to Reduce or Discontinue Particular Kinds of Services for 2006-07 School Year

Background: At the January 10th BOE meeting and the February 28th BOE meeting, the Board approved budget reductions totaling $800,000. As a result, particular kinds of service need to be reduced or discontinued.

California Education code 44949 and 44955 set forth dates and procedures which require the Board of Education to express its intent to reduce or discontinue particular kinds of service so that notices to certificated employees can be delivered before March 15th.

Here is the resolution:

WHEREAS the Board hereby finds that it is in the best interest of the ALAMEDA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT that, as of the end of the 2005-2006 school year, certain particular kinds of services now being provided by the District be reduced or discontinued as follows:

Title of Services F.T.E.
. .
Elementary Principals 2.0
Program Specialists 1.0
Director of ELD 1.0
Elementary School Teaching 8.0
Paden Academy 6-8 Teaching 2.0
Media Center 2.0
Resource Specialist .5
Special Day Class Teaching 1.0
Counseling Services 1.1
Title 1 Teaching 1.0
Art .4
P.E. 2.0
Langauge Arts 1.0
Math Coaching 1.0
IIUSP/Literacy Coach .5
Music .5
Total F.T.E 25.0

WHEREAS, in the opinion of the Governing Board of this District it is necessary by reason of the aforementioned reduction and discontinuance of services to decrease the number of certificated employees by the equivalent of twenty-five (25) full-time equivalent employees for the ensuing 2006-2007 school year;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Trustees of the ALAMEDA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT that, as of the end of the 2005-2006 school year the particular kinds of services now being provided by said District be and hereby are reduced to the extent hereinabove set forth.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the District Superintendent or Superintendent’s designee, be and hereby is authorized and directed to initiate and pursue procedures necessary to not reemploy the equivalent of twenty-five (25) full time equivalent certificated employees of this District pursuant to Education Code sections 44949 and 44955 because of said reduction and discontinuance of services.

The foregoing Resolution was adopted by the Board of Trustees of the ALAMEDA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT on the 7th day of March, 2006, by the following vote:

AYES: Forbes, Gibson, Jensen, McMahon, Schaff

Fiscal Implications: Estimated Impact on General Fund of $1,410,000.



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Last modified: March 8, 2006

Disclaimer: This website is the sole responsibility of Mike McMahon. It does not represent any official opinions, statement of facts or positions of the Alameda Unified School District. Its sole purpose is to disseminate information to interested individuals in the Alameda community.