Minutes for March 10 BOE Meeting 1. Recommendation to Address Kindergarten at Impacted Schools Background: Current kindergarten enrollment applications for the 2009/10 school exceeded allocated spaces at four schools (Bay Farm, Edison, Franklin and Otis). After reviewing data around classroom capacity, enrollment projections, program impact, costs and contractual issues, staff has prepared a set of recommendations to address the issue for 2009/10. Fiscal Implications: $275,000 Superintendent Goal: Goal #2 Align the spending plan. 2.) Approval of Memorandum of Understanding between Community Learning Center Schools, Inc and Alameda Unified School District Background: In December, 2008 the Board of Education provisionally approved the Community Learning Center Schools, Inc charter for Nea. Both parties are in agreement that the date for approval will be extended until February 24, 2009. Staff presented the draft Memorandum of Understanding. After additional staff work is recommending the approval of a revised Memorandum of Understanding based on these changes. The Board approved the final draft of the MOU. Fiscal Implications: Unknown Superintendent Goal: Goal #2 Align the spending plan. 3.) Resolution 09-0014 Recommendation to Reduce or Discontinue Particular Kinds of Services for the 2009/10 Background: California Education code 44949 and 44955 set forth dates and procedures which require the Board of Education to express its intent to reduce or discontinue particular kinds of service so that notices to certificated employees can be delivered before March 15th. The Board approved the resolution. Services Being Reduced or Discontinued
Fiscal Implications: If all services are reduced or discontinued, the estimated net savings on the Unrestricted General Fund is $540,000 and on Categorical Funds is $2,800,000. Superintendent Goal: Goal #2 Align the spending plan. 4.) Resolution 09-0013 Release of Temporary Employees Background: California Education Code Section 44954 allows the Governing Board to notify temporary employees in a position requiring certification qualifications of the decisions to release said employees from their temporary employment contracts. 30 teachers will be notified. The Board approved the resolution. Fiscal Implications: None Superintendent Goal: Goal #2 Align the spending plan. 5.) Resolution 09-0011 Approval of Release of Certificated Administrators Background: Most certificated administrators, except those whose employment rights are strictly prescribed by a contract, may be released to another administrative or non-administrative position at the end of the year. This requires a notice by year end. Employees receiving a notice are: Ayo Akatugba Vice Principal Encinal High The approved the resolution. Fiscal Implications: To be determined Superintendent Goal: Goal #2 Align the spending plan. 6.) 2009/10 Alameda Unified School District (AUSD) Budget Information Update - Categorical Program Reports Background: Staff made an initial presentation of the impact of the Governor's proposed budget at the January 27th Board of Education meeting. Staff made an presentation on the ongoing budget implications at the February 10th meeting along a presentation at February 11th board workshop. At the February 24 meeting staff will begin to explain the implications of the newly adopted State budget as well as provide information about categorical spending. At this meeting staff provided an analysis of the first set of categorical programs including cost and benefits. The final set of categorical programs will be reviewed at the March 24th BOE meeting. Fiscal Implications: To be determined Superintendent Goal: Goal #2 Align the spending plan. 7.) 2008/09 Second Interim Financial Report Background: Two times a year the Board of Education reviews the financial reports. Staff presented an overview of the changes since the First Interim financial report. The Board approved the second interim report. Fiscal Implications: To be determined Superintendent Goal: Goal #2 Align the spending plan. 8.) Revision to Board Bylaw 9323.1 - Order of Business Background: At a previous meeting the Board of Education agreed to change the order of items made during a Board meeting. In order to implement these changes the Board needs to revise the Board policy. The biggest change is to move Superintendent Comments before public comments. The Board approved the changes. Fiscal Implications: To be determined Superintendent Goal: Goal #2 Align the spending plan. 9.) California School Board Association (CSBA) 2009 Delegate Assembly Election Vote Background: The California School Boards Association Delegate Assembly is a vital link the Association's governance structure. The 270 delegates is elected by local school boards. Delegates serve two-year terms beginning April 1. The Board can vote for 4 Board members to represent region 7b. The approved the selection of Mike McMahon, Nancy Riddle and Nancy Thomas. Fiscal Implications: To be determined Superintendent Goal: None.