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BOE Meeting for March 25, 2003

1. Superintendent's Woodstock Advisory Team (SWAT) Recommended Options for Woodstock Child Development Center (WCDC)

Background: In April 2002, SWAT was created to identify sufficient ongoing outside funding for WCDC to completely eliminate the encroachment on the general fund. At the January 28 Board Meeting an updated report identified two options regarding the program. Option A: AUSD continue to indefinitely provide general fund contributions to the program. Option B: AUSD surrender the contract to the State Department of Education for 2003/04 and agree to allow the facilities to be used by a vendor to be selected by the state. In addition, AUSD work to ensure children and families do not have any disruption of childcare services and staff be considered for positions with the new vendor.

At the January 28 Board Meeting additional questions were raised by the Board. A follow up report will be presented to answer these questions.

The Board voted 4-0 (Barbara Guenther not voting due her position at Head Start) to fund Woodstock Child Development Center

2. Superintendent's Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) Progress Report

Background: The Governor's proposed 2003-04 school year budget and the Legislature's action on mid-year cuts for 2002-03 have negatively impacted the financial position of the Alameda Unified School District. Initial estimates indicate that the District will have to make budget reductions of $1.7 million for the fiscal year in order to have a balanced budget.

The Superintendent's Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) has reconvened to assist the Superintendent and the District in reviewing and prioritizing programs and services in order identify items for budget considerations.

SEAC provided a progress report that reviewed the process including a Public Forum (to be held March 27th) to solicit public input.

5. Calendar Report and Draft Proposal

Background: The first tentative calendar presented in a Decemeber Board of Education meeting was not ratified by the teacher's union. After two negotiation sessions, a second tentative calendar was presented at the February 28th Board meeting. The Board opted not to act on the item at that time. The Administration bought the item back for further consideration on March 11th. The Board directed administration to reopen negotiations and to reposition the October break, while maintining the September 2 start of school. The District and teacher's union scheduled a negotiation session for March 24th. Both parties were not able to reach agreement on a new calendar. The Board considered that Educational Services department advises that it must roll over the student information system calendar by March 26, with definite start and end dates.

The Board voted 5-0 to approve the second tentative calendar.

6. Consideration of Bay Area School of Enterprise (BASE) Proposition 39 Request

Background: Pursant to Proposition 39 (Ed Code Sect. 47614) Bay Area School of Enterprise (BASE) has requested that the Alameda Unified School District (AUSD) provide it with school facilities, commencing in the coming school year (2003-04). Under Prop 39, the District must respond to the request with an offer of space comparable to that provided to its District-enrolled students. In response to the BASE request, the District retained Schoolhouse Services, a school facilities consulting firm, to evaluate the request and make a recommendation to the District. Schoolhouse Services had concluded that to satisfy Prop 39's requirements of comparability, the District must offer BASE space, partially fors its exclusive use and partially for shared use, at Encinal High School.

BASE made a short presentation indicating that they had just received the offer and were analyzing it.

The Board did not take any action on this item.


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Last modified: March 7, 2003

Disclaimer: This website is the sole responsibility of Mike McMahon. It does not represent any official opinions, statement of facts or positions of the Alameda Unified School District. Its sole purpose is to disseminate information to interested individuals in the Alameda community.