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BOE Meeting for April 12, 2005

1. Special Education Task Force Proposal

Background: For the past several years, a standing group of parents has been meeting to support their Special Education students. This year, the joining with Special Education teachers to propose augumenting the Special Education subcommittee (established under the June 2004 AEA contract settlement) to include all stakeholders concerned with special education in Alameda. Thus, the current committe, which consists of Special Education teachers and administrators, would be augumented with representatives from the parent group and the Board of Education.

Board members expressed concerns about the mingling of teacher contract issues and personnel matters with concerns of parents. The Board has asked staff to develop recommendations that could address parent'concerns without impacting personnel related matters.

Strategic Significance: Goal #1 Curricular Coherence and Effective Instruction

2. Title 1 2005 Academic Achievement Award - Henry Haight Elementary School

Background: The Title I Academic Acheivement Award Programis authorized by the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. The program was designed to identify and to honor Title I schools with demonstrated success in ensuring that all students make significant progress toward meeting or exceeding the state content standards. Last year, Hnery Haight School was a 2004 Title 1 Academic Achievement Awardee. For the second year, Henry Haight School will be honored at the Title I Conference to be held at the Anaheim Marriott Hotel, May 26-27, 2005.

Strategic Significance: Goal #1 Curricular Coherence & Effective Instruction

3. Elementary Mathematics Assessment and Staff Development Update

Background: For the past four years, much work has taken place at the elementary level to support the mathematics program at all grade levels, K-5. A majority of AUSD elementary school teachers have participated in staff development to support the acquisition of the mathematics content skills they need in order to be successful in helping all students meet the more rigorous elementary mathematices standards.

The District has had a teacher on special assignment for the past 3 years. A K-5 mathematics task force, composed of teachers leaders has been in existence for 3 years. Pacing guides and benchmark mathematics assessments were developed by the task force.

Strategic Significance: Goal #1 Curricular Coherence & Effective Instruction
Goal #2 Staff Development

4. Measure C Construction Progress Update

Background: Measure C was passed in March, 2004. Measure C Initial Phasing of Projects was presented to the Board after the bond was passed.

Phase One

The two story portable for Lincoln that was scheduled for last summer (Phase 1) will be done this summer. Due to an extensive drying period for stucco, the portable will not be stuccoed until 2006 summer. The installation of the two story portable for Chipman has been deferred.

Phase 2 Starting School Year 2004/05

Each of the link below contains the information presented in March, 2004. The scope of each project has not changed but the initial projected dates may have changed. Below is a recap of the key dates for each project.

  1. New School - Bayport Site
  2. May 20th at 10:30am is the scheduled date for a Groundbreaking Ceremony. Site work will begin in May and building construction starting in July with occupancy anticipated in September, 2006.

  3. Alameda New High School
  4. During the 2005 summer, work on the office and media center will be done with an anticipated completion prior to the start of the school year. Six portables will be installed in front of Patten Gym. These six portables will house classrooms as the classroom renovations take place during the 2005/06 school year. Completion of all work is expected by September, 2006.

  5. Miller Elementary
  6. Work for Miller is expected to be completed over the 2005 summer.

  7. Earhart Elementary
  8. During the 2005 summer, work on the office, multi-purpose rom and media center will be done with an anticipated completion prior to the start of the school year. The installation of the five modulars will be done in pod formation with the existing Math portable. These five classrooms will house classrooms as the classroom renovations take place during the 2005/06 school year. Because of the bathrooms in Kindergarten classrooms, renovations will occur during the 2006 summer. Completion of all work is expected by September, 2006.

  9. Lincoln Middle School Renovation
  10. During the 2005 summer, work on the office, multi-purpose room and media center will be done with an anticipated completion prior to the start of the school year. The installation of the two story portables will add four additional classrooms. These four classrooms will house classrooms as the classroom renovations take place during the 2005/06 school year. Completion of all work is expected by September, 2006.

    At the April 26th Board meeting, staff will present information regarding a proposal for a drop off zone for Lincoln. This will be an informational item only with no action to be taken.

  11. Haight Elementary
  12. The 1989 Bond work for Haight School did not have all of the necessary approvals. As a result, there is a delay in obtaining the state approval for this project. We are working with the State to obtain the necessary approvals and if we obtain them we will be able to start on Haight during the 2005 summer.

Fiscal Implications: This phase of Measure C Projects will cost an estimated $38 million. Funds will come Measure C bond proceeds and State matching funds.

Strategic Significance: Goal #10 Safe Learning Environment

5. Resolution No. 05-3950 Intent to Dismiss Classified Employees, California School Employees Association, Office/Tech Unit

Background: At the February 8, 2005 BOE Meeting, the Board approved Spending Reductions totaling $1,625,000.

As a result, the District must give notice employees impacted by the budget reductions. The following positions have been identified:

  • School Office Manager 1 - High School Administrative, 7 hours

Fiscal Implications: Unable to determine at this time

Strategic Significance: Goal #3 Staff Recruitment, Assignment and Retention



Send mail to mikemcmahonausd@yahoo.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: April 13, 2005

Disclaimer: This website is the sole responsibility of Mike McMahon. It does not represent any official opinions, statement of facts or positions of the Alameda Unified School District. Its sole purpose is to disseminate information to interested individuals in the Alameda community.