Recap for 5/10/11 BOE MeetingSchool District Formal Agenda - PDF Version including Consent Items 1.) Highlighting Alameda Schools: Island High School Background: Staff presented a review of the academic programs at Island High School. Fiscal Implications: None 2.) Employees of the Month Each month we honor employees for going above and beyond. This month we honored: Kevin Gorham, Dean of Students, Joshua Johnson, Teacher. 3) Teacher of the Year Background: Liz Young, 5th Grade teacher at Washington was recognized for being named 2011/12 Teacher of the Year. In addition, Tracy Corbally, ASTI teacher, Sharmaine Moody, Lincoln Middle School, John Muller, Wood Middle School and Romeo Pansaran, Wood Middle School were recognized as finalists. Fiscal Implications: None 4) AUSD's Initial Sunshine Openers to CSEA 27 Background: Staff presented initial openers for a new three year contract to CSEA 27. Fiscal Implications: None 5) Final Certificated Layoffs Background: Staff presented final list of certificated layoffs. Fiscal Implications: None 6) Intent to Reduce/Layoff Classified Personnel CSEA 27 Background: Staff presented a resolution for a proposal reduce positions. The two full time positions will removed from the resolution. Fiscal Implications: None 7) Changes to the Paden and Ruby Bridges Boundaries Background: Staff presented a proposal to change the boundaries between Ruby Bridges and Paden. The Board of Education approved the change. Fiscal Implications: None 8) Declaration of Need for Fully Qualified Educators Background: Staff presented a declaration the need for a waiver of fully qualified educators for certain hard to fill positions. Fiscal Implications: None 9) Overview of Inquiry by Design Background: Staff presented an overview of the Inquiry by Design, an English Language Arts program for middle school. Fiscal Implications: None 10) Categorical Tier III Budget Update Presentation Background: Staff presented a review of the breakdown of how Tier III Categorical funds. Fiscal Implications: None