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BOE Meeting for May 13, 2003

1. Employee of the Month

Background: Thomas Perkins, Paraprofessional, SPED, Resource Program, Chipman Middle School was honored.

2. Teacher of the Year

Background: Evey year since 1988 the Alameda Unified School District has selected a Teacher of the Year for the District honor. Past winners are:

Pam Curtis 1988 Linda McCluskey 1996
Karen Guthrie 1989 Sue Enger 1997
Joel Baum 1990 Mary Dierking 1998
Teri Olsen 1991 Rufina "Ping" Mejia 1999
Nancy Phillipsen 1992 Roxanne LeBlanc 2000
Robert Ruark 1993 Kristi Hanelt 2001
Jim Peters 1994 Robert Siltanen 2002
James Richard 1995

The Committee named Nancy Steimle, Edison Elementary School, as the Teacher of the Year 2003. Special recognition also goes to Diana Kenney, teacher at Franklin Elementary School, for her strong application and for her efforts in support of her students.

3. Report on Alameda Unified School District/ROP Partnership with Alameda Chamber of Commerce

Item Type: Information (15 minutes)

Background: The Regional Occupation Program has entered into a partnership with the Alameda Chamber of Commerce. This partnership will provide summer externiships and internships for our staff an students repsectively, immediate access to business directory database for career and techinal education opportunities and collabrotation on career and technical education projects and activities in the fall.

4. Beginning Teachers Support and Assessment Report

Background: The BTSA Begining Teacher Support and Assessment (BTSA) provides support at a sufficient level of intensity to make a difference in performance, retention and career satisifaction.

At present there are 37 credentialed teachers participating in BTSA: 24 Year One and 13 Year Two teachers. They are supported by 10 Site Coordinators and 45 active (and 62 trained) Support Providers (22 of whom support PAR teachers who are interns, on waivers, or emergency credentialed).

Support providers attend a total of nine full days of training in order to support a Beginning teacher for two years.

5. Tri High Annual Report

Item Type: Information (20 minutes)

Background: AUSD and Tri-High have had an ongoing partnerhsip since 1993 when the Alameda High-Based Health Center opened its doors. Tri-High's services expanded to Encinal High School in 1999.

Tri-High provided an overview of Tri-High's services and 2001-02 school year data. Tri High is one of 102 school based health care program within California.

Tri-High has received a grant for 2003/04 that will involve a research study with CDC/UCSF to determine the effectiveness of the services provided. Alameda students will perform a number of tasks related to the research study.

6. PUBLIC HEARING: Approval of Sunshine Openers Negotiations with AEA

Background: As part of the opening of contract negotiations between the District and the Alameda Education Assocation (AEA), each side is required to submitted their initial proposals for public input. At the March 11th Meeting, Item 13, AEA's initial proposals was approved by the Board. At this meeting, the District is presenting their initial proposal.

The District intends to propose the following changes to the contract.

Article 2: Negotiation Process

The District will seek greater flexibility, cooperation and collaboration in the negotiation process. This would include, among other things, a return to CFIER interest-based bargaining methods, which includes the creation of a common record of the negotiations.

Article 3: Association Rights

The District will seek changes to this article that will make it easier for teachers and site administrators to identify and apply the Association's rights; and that will balance those rights against the District's need for prudent financial management.

Article 4: District Rights

This article should be re-written to identify explicitly and clearly management accountability and the means and methods by whihc management can achieve its responsibilities.

Article 5: Leaves

The District will seek changes to this article to bring in line with the requirements of the Education Code and applicable law, to streamline the leave taking process by using paid time off and similar approach to leaves, to reduce administrative burdens and costs, and to clarify management accountability.

Article 6: Grievance Procedure

The District will seek a more precise description of the circumstances udner which a grievance may be filed and a more carefully delineated grievance process. The District desires to eliminate unnecessary grievances, to reduce the number of grievances that must be filed and to find efficient and cost-effective ways to resolve grievances.

Article 8: Teaching Hours

The District wishes to comform this article with article 14; to ensure that teachers have adequate time for curriculum development, collaboration, professional development and other professional duties that will benefit the District's school children; to develop an alternative to in lieu time; and to make changes that reduce administrative burdens and costs and increase efficiency.

Article 9: Class Size

The District wishes to re-visit average and maximum class sizes; to confirm class size reduction with the law; and, generally, to attain flexibility in the staffing of the classroom so that the greatest benefit can be provided to students.

Article 10: Transfer

The District wishes to make changes to this article that will enable it to meet its obligations under the federal No Child Left Behind Act and that will calarify the rights and obligations of teachers and administrators. The District's goal is to bolster management accountability under the law and to provide its students with the best classroom experience within the District's fiscal constraints.

Article 11: Evaluation

The District will seek to clarify the application of this article to non-instructional positions, to clarify the evaluation process, and to ensure that the process complies with District's legal obligations.

Article 12: Health and Welfare Benefits

The District wishes to continue to provide teachers with a benefits package that is extensive but fiscally prudent so that is can continue to attract and retain good teachers.

Article 13: Teacher Safety

The District will seek admendments to this article that will continue to promote teacher safety without creating redundancies and excessive financial and adminstrative burdens.

Article 14: Salaries

The District wishes to continue to provide its teachers with salaries and other compensation that will allow it to attract and retain the best teachers possible within the bounds of fiscal prudence.

Article 15: Early Retiremnet Incentive Program

The District seeks to ensure that this article complies with existing law and provides adequate but fiscally prudent incentives for early retirement.

Article 16: Child Development Center

The District intends to seek modifications to this article that will provide its Child Development Center teachers with the benefits and recognition commensurate with their position.

Article 17: Mentot Teacher Program

The District will propose to eliminate this article.

Article 19: Summer School/Intersession

The District will propose the eliminate the class size restrictions in this article.

Article 22: Adult School

The District will seek modifications to this article that will provide for appropriate evaluations and conform to other provisions in the agreement.

Article 23: Year Round Edcuation.

The District will propose to eliminate this article.

Article 28: Peer Assistance and Review Program

The District will seek to bring compensation for consulting teachers participating in this program in line with its fiscal goals and define more clearly the roles and obligations of the program.

In addition to the above, the District intends to propose changes to the language of theses and other articles that will not change the substance of the agreement but will make it clearer and easier to understand.

The Board approved the reopeners.

7. PUBLIC HEARING: Deferred Maintenance

Background: New regulations require that any new or updated 5 Year Plan be approved by the Board.

Fiscal Implications: No General Fund impact as the Deferred Maintenance Account is a separate fund.

The Baord approved the plan.

8. PUBLIC HEARING: Cailfornia School Employees Assocation (CSEA) Reopeners for the 2003-04 School Year Concerning the Contract with Alameda School

Background: The District and CSEA have a current contract that expires on June 30, 2005. Part of the negotiation of that contract called for reopeners to be allowed annually. It is the intention of CSEA at this time to "sunshine" the items it wishes to negotiate.

CSEA Reopeners for 2003-04



Fair and equitable salary increase to include any additional funding that becomes available to the district, as well as any governmental bills passed that benefit classified employees.

Recognize employee commitment to the District, therefore looking at the paraedcuator/career leader grant availability and promote the program.

A plan of action to bring Paraprofessional salareis equal to surroudnign districts based upon the job study completed three years ago.

An equal payment schedule to that of the Office Tech.(for Paras only)



As benefit cost increase, we would like to look at increasing the cap on benefits.

An equal contribution toward medical coverage for all members.



A floating holiday.

The Board will take action on this item at the next Board meeting.

9. Resolution 03-3780 Intent to Dismiss Classfied Employees, California Schools Employees Association

Background: As part of the budget recommendations from the April 8 meeting, the District needs to issue notices to certain classified employees

The Board 5-0 to approve the resolution.

10. Resolution 03-3782 Termination of Services of Certain Certificated Employees

Background: As part of the budget recommendations from the April 8 meeting, the District needs to issue notices to certain certificated employees.

On May 7, an administrative law judge issued a proposed decision to nullify the March 15th notices. Alameda Education Assocations (AEA) representatives urged the Board to accept the administrative law judge's decision to avoid potential legal action that would be bought by the California Teachers' Association on behalf of AEA members. The Superintendent and staff presented their justification for approving the resolution covering legal and fiscal areas.

The Board 3-2 (Gibson/Jensen voting no) to approve the resolution.

11. Resolution 03-3783 Non-Reelection of Certain Certificated Employee(s)

Background: The District has treated certificated employees holding provisional credentials as temporary employees. Recent court decisions suggest these employees might be considered probationary. If so, these employees my be non-relected pursant to the terms of Education Code section 44929.21.

The Board 5-0 to approve the resolution.



Send mail to mikemcmahonausd@yahoo.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: May 14, 2003

Disclaimer: This website is the sole responsibility of Mike McMahon. It does not represent any official opinions, statement of facts or positions of the Alameda Unified School District. Its sole purpose is to disseminate information to interested individuals in the Alameda community.