Recap for May 26 BOE Meeting School District Formal Agenda - PDF Version including Consent Items
1.) Recognition of Student Board Members Background: : Student baord members were recognized for their service to Alameda: The four Board members being recognized are:
Fiscal Implications: None 2.) Highlighting Alameda Unified School District Schools: Wood Middle School Background: Wood Middle School Student Service Learning Waste Reduction Project leaders presented "A Year in Review." Fiscal Implications: None. 3.) Highlighting Alameda Unified School District Schools: Project Youth View Winner Background: Alameda High School's "The Urge" was selected by the audience as the winner of Youth View audience Choice award winner. The film short was previewed. Fiscal Implications: None 4.) Approval of Caring Schools Curriculum Addressing Issues of Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity Background: The goal of creating safe schools is to ensure that all students, regardless of their sexual orientation or the sexual orientation of their family members, feel safe in our schools and that all students have equal access to a quality education. This work is in accordance with legal mandates AB 537 Student Safety & Violence Prevention Act of 2000 and Board Policy 5145.3 Nondiscrimination/Harassment, Ed Code Section 2000, and Penal Code Section 422.6(A). These laws and policies mandate that public schools prevent discrimination and harassment based on all legally protected categories. In response to these issues, the District provided elementary staff training in October 2007 and created a Safe Schools team of teachers to address implementation of addressing inclusiveness, family diversity, and anti-bullying/anti-slurs in conjunctions with the Caring Schools Community curriculum. In October 2008, secondary staff underwent training with the focus on refining current courses of study and providing focused support for Gay Straight Alliance (GSA) student organizations. Staff made a presentation requesting approving adding Lesson 9 to the Caring Schools Community curriculum which addresses issues of inclusiveness specifically around lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT) and family diversity. This lesson is prevention-oriented, as it identifies name calling and teasing as a precursor to bullying. The Board voted 3-2 (Spencer and McMahon opposing) to adopt the recommendations of staff. Fiscal Implications: Approximately $8,000 for curriculum and training 5.) Governor's May Revise Budget Report Background: With the failure of State Budget Propositions on Tuesday, May 19th, the Governor's worst-case scenario from last week is being reviewed by Legislature. As reported at previous school board meeting, AUSD will be losing $5,000,000 of on-going state funds from the adopted budget in February, 2009. The Governor's May Revise could raise that total to $7,400,000 of on-going revenue lost in the next 13 months. Fiscal Implications: Significant, To be determined based on Legislative action