Recap for June 9 BOE Meeting School District Formal Agenda - PDF Version including Consent Items Formal Minutes for June 9 Minutes 1.) Employee(s) of the Month Background: Each month we recognize employee who have been nominated. This month we honored: Sue Presco, SPED Paraprofessional, Resource Wood Middle School Fiscal Implications: None 2.) Highlighting Alameda Unified School District Schools: Lum Elementary School Background: Each year Lum Elementary school students in Ms Tomine's 3rd grade classroom are featured in a comedy showcase. Since this Ms. Tomine's last year due to retirement, a short DVD highlighting some of the performances was shared. Fiscal Implications: None. 3.) Recognition of Alameda High School Baseball Team - North Coast Section (NCS) Finals Background: For second year in a row, Alameda High School's varsity baseball team won the ACCAL crown. Alameda advanced to the NCS section finals as the number one seed before ultimately falling to number two seed Clayton Valley 3-0. The Hornets ended their season with a 22-5 record including a 17 game winning streak. Fiscal Implications: None 4.) Teacher of the Year Update Background: Each year a Teacher of the Year committee review nominations before selecting five finalists. After classroom visits the committee will announce its Teacher of the Year who will go to compete at Alameda County Teacher of the Year recognition. Roberta Rockwell, Speech Theparist, was named Teacher of the Year. There will be formal ceremony recognizing the finalists and Roberta in the Fall. Fiscal Implications: None 5.) Math Plan Update Background: Staff presented an update on the implementation of Math instruction across the District. Fiscal Implications: 6.) Highlight 2008/09 Beginning Teacher Support and Assessment (BTSA) Participating Teachers Background: A brief movie of new teacher reflections on their participation in the BTSA program was presented. Fiscal Implications: 7.) Nea Community Learning Center Charter School Facility Use Agreement Background: On April 28, 2009 Nea accepted the Alameda USD Proposition 39 Final Offer of Facilities. AUSD will be allocating 11 classrooms and reasonably equivalent furnished and equipped space at the Longfellow Education Center for its use during the 2009-10 school year. This is a one year agreement. The Board approved the agreement. Fiscal Implications: AUSD will not charge NEA a pro-rate charge for its use of the space at the Longfellow site, but AUSD shall charge Nea the actual costs of supervisorial oversight in an amount not to exceed three percent (3%) of the revenue of Nea pursant to Education Code 47613(b). The District will also charge Nea for its proportionate share of grounds maintenance and utilities use costs. 8.) School Parcel Tax Measure A and Measure H Fiscal Oversight Committee Annual Report Background: The annual report for expenditures for Measure A and Measure H was presented by Parcel Tax Fiscal Oversight Committee which consists of Nak Min Oddie, Rich Thomas and Kathy Moehring. Fiscal Implications: None 9.) Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2009/10 Background: The PRELIMINARY report on the proposed budget for 2009/10 was presented. School Services of California presented a summary of the May Revise in Sacramento on June 5 before the preliminary report was prepared. Fiscal Implications: AUSD budget will have the State required 3% reserve