BOE Meeting for June 24, 2003 1. through 6. Public Appointments of Personnel Background: The following positions were filled.
7. Report on "Alameda Power-Up for Learning" Background: "Alameda Power for Learning" is a collaboration with Alameda Power & Telecom (AP&T) and the Alameda Education Foundation (AEF) to raise funds for technology projects that benefit AUSD students, teachers, classrooms, schools, and the Alameda community at-large. Approximately 34,000 AP&T customers will be invited to donate as least a dollar each month for the purpose of:
All contribution would flow through AEF which has agreed to assist in the marketing of the program. 8. Ju Jistu Club Presentation Background: Students from the Ju Jistu club gave a presentation requesting support to elevate Ju Jitsu to a varsity sport. The Superintendent will research fiscal implications and Margie Sherratt, AHS Principal will research matters related formation of a league. 9. SuccessMaker Update and Demonstration Background: The item was removed from the agenda until Roxanne Clement is available to present this item. The latest version of SuccessMaker Enterprise will be presented to demonstrate the potential capability of supporting classroom instruction and assisting in closing the achievement gap at a future Board meeting. 10. Approval of Memorandum of Understanding between Tri-High and AUSD Background: For several years, Xanthos has provided medical, mental health, health education and support services to all District high school students at is Tri-High Health Centers without a written agreement. To protect both a written agreement was presented for consideration. The Board approved the MOU. 11. Special Education Report Background: Individuals with Disabilities Education Act is the latest amendment to PL 94-142(Education of All Handicapped Children Act). Here are some highlights from the presentation:
12. Approval of Strategic Plan Background: A complete copy of the AUSD Strategic Plan or the high level summary was presented for approval. The Board approved the plan. 13. Approval of Adult School Increases in Fees for Fee Classes Background: The adminstration recommended an increase in the charge for fee classes (enrichment classes) of $1 per hour from $3 to $4. The Board approved the increase. 14. Approval of Adult School Increases in GDE Testing Fees Background: The adminstration recommended an increase in the charge for GED testing of $10 per hour from $65 to $75. The total actual cost to administer the test is approximately $100. In recover some cost yet remain competitive with neighboring districts, the increase to $75 was requested. The Board approved the increase. 15. Resolution 03-3797 Non-reelection of Certain Certificated Employee(s) Background: Three employees were recommended for non-reelection. The Board approved the recommendation. 16. Approval of Supplememtal Early Retirement of Certain Certificated Employees Background: On April 8, 2003, the Board of Education directed staff to explore early retirement incentive programs. Since that time, the State has given no indication that it will pass AB 1207, a State proposed early retirement plan for teachers. To provide our most senior teachers with an incentive to retire early, the administration is proposed a supplemental ealry retirement program. To qualify, teachers must:
There are 37 teachers who meet these qualifications. In order for the program to be effective at least 15 teachers need to sign up before July 25, 2003. Fiscal Implications: Estimated saving of $226,977 in 2003/04 for the minimum of 15 teachers The Board voted 4-1 to approve the early retirement plan. 17. Charter School Start-Up Grant application Background: Alternatives in Action (AIA) is resubmitting a grant application for the start-up of a new elementary school, the Alameda Community Education School. In August, 2002 AIA asked the Superintendent to co-sign a grant application. Without the Superintendent's signature AIA was unable to apply for the grant. AIA resubmitted the application on June 17, 2003 along with a copy to Alameda County Office of Education. The dealine for submission of the grant is June 27, 2003. The Alameda County of Education can co-sign as an alternative signatory, should Alameda be unable to support AIA's planning effort. The Superintendent recommended that AUSD not sign the application. Board consensus agreed with the Superintendent. Therefore, AIA will have to go to Alameda County of Education for a signature.
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