Special BOE Meeting for June 29, 2004 1. PUBLIC HEARING: Approval of Successor Agreement Between Alameda Unified School District and Alameda Education Association Background: The Board of Education conducted the second of two public hearings on the successor three year contract between the District and Alameda Education Association. The major provisions of the tentative agreement were reviewed for fiscal implications. Assuming the other employee groups receive comparable terms, the total cost will approximately $900,000 for fiscal year 2004/05. As a result of anticipated negotiated settlements with our employee groups, the District's budget will be submitted using provision of AB1754, Section 9, which allows school districts to reduce their Reserve for Economic Uncertainity by 50% for 2004/05. The minimum reserve of 3% must be restored in 2005-06. The budgeted reserve of $2,600,000 is anticipated to be reduced by approximately $900,000 as a result of anticipated negotiated settlements. As a result our Reserve for Economic Uncertainity will drop from 3.53% to 2.31%. The Board approved the contract on a 5-0 vote. 2. PUBLIC HEARING: Agreement Between Alameda Unified School District and California School Employees Association (CSEA) Background: The Board of Education conducted the first of two public hearings on the agreement between the District and California School Employees Association. The second public hearing will be scheduled for sometime in July depending Board member availability. 3. Appointment of Members to the Citizens Bond Oversight Committee Background: The Citizen's Oversight Committee needed to be formed within 60 days of certified election results, which occured at the May 11th, 2004 Board of Education meeting. Members may serve up to two terms, with each term being up to two (2) years each. The District solicited applications from the members of the community and attempted to fill the special interest group positions required under the Proposition 39 statutes and provisions. These designated positions include one (1) member from each:
The Board on a 4-1 vote appointed the following:
Since no one applied as an active member of a Taxpayer Organization, the District will continue to solicit applicants on a periodic basis.
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