June 30, 2008 Special Board Meeting 1.)Public Appointment of Coordinator of Regional Occupation Programs and Post-Secondary Options Background: Sean McPhetridge is leaving the District. The Superintendent presented Donna Wyatt as the replacement. Fiscal Implications: None Superintendent Goal: Goal #4 Recruit and retain high qualified personnel. 2.) Measure A Parcel Tax Oversight Committee Report Background: The three member committee consisting of Rich Thomas, Kathy Moehring and Nak Min Oddie were to provide a report on the appropriate use of Measure A Funds. In addition, our plan is to also have this committee oversee Measure H parcel tax dollars. The members of the committed were unable to attend the meeting so this item was moved to August. Fiscal Implications: None Superintendent Goal: Goal #2. Align spending plan. 3.) Measure A Parcel Tax Update on Revenue and Expenditures Background: On June 7, 2005, the voters approved an $189 annual per parcel assessment for seven years. This was an extension of the original $109 parcel tax from 2001. The number of parcels paying the parcel tax has increase slightly over the past four years. In 2004, 17,176 paracels were assessed, in 2005 17,341 parcels were assessed, in 2006 17,421 parcels were assessed and in 2007 17,629 parcel were assessed. In 2007, there were a total of 20,453 parcels with 2,824 being exempted (1,941 due to Senior exemption). The total revenue generated was $3,327,649. Measure A Uses:
Fiscal Implications: None Superintendent Goal: Goal #2. Align spending plan. 4.)PUBLIC HEARING: Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2008/09 Background: Each year the school district is required to adopt a budget. There was a public hearing item for the adoption. Fiscal Implications: None Superintendent Goal: Goal #2. Align spending plan. 5.) Approval of Resolution No.08-0034 to Adopt Proposed Budget and Make Appropriations and Adopt the Standardsand Criteria for the Fiscal Year 2008/09 Background: Each year the school district is required to adopt a budget. Staff has summarized the budget in the following Powerpoint presentation. At a March 3 Special BOE meeting, the Board approved $2,562,000 in program reduction and budget transfers. With the passage of Measure H, the following items are being restored totaling $2,322,000 for 08/09: Measure H Restoration:
Fiscal Implications: None Superintendent Goal: Goal #2. Align spending plan.
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