Special BOE Meeting for July 12, 2005 1. Approval of GED Test Fees, Alameda Adult School Background: The current fee for five proctored test is $75; the cost of each retest was $15. Staff recommending the testing fees to $120 for the five proctored tests and $20 for each retest. In addition, recommended increasing enrollment $5 to support online processing of applications.. The Board voted 5-0 to approve the recommendations. 2. Alameda Point Development Concept Overview Background: In 1993, Congress threatened closure of the Alameda Naval Air Station (NAS). In April 1994, the City and County of Alameda signed a Joint Powers Agreement (JPA), and established the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority (ARRA). The ARRA was recognized by Department of Defense as the responsible entity for submitting and completing the Community Reuse Plan for NAS Alameda. A year prior to its closure, in January of 1996, the City of Alameda adopted the NAS Alameda Community Reuse Plan, a 'roadmap' for the conversion of the former Naval Air Station to civilian use. The Reuse Plan was prepared for the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority (ARRA), an agency created and governed by the City Council, with extensive citizen input solicited by the Base Reuse and Advisory Group (BRAG), now known as the Alameda Point Advisory Committee (APAC). The Reuse Plan established the following vision for the reuse of the former NAS: "Between now and the year 2020, the City of Alameda will integrate the Naval Air Station property with the City and will realize a substantial part of the Base's potential. Revenues will have increased and a healthy local economy will have resulted from the implementation of a coordinated, environmentally sound plan of conversion and mixed-use development. While building upon the qualities which make Alameda a desirable place to live, efforts for improving recreational, cultural, educational, housing, and employment opportunities for the entire region will have been successful." In 2000, the City entered into an agreement with Alameda Unified School District (AUSD) related to future development of school facilities within the City. The agreement provides for the conveyance of 12 acres of land at Alameda Point for operational or administrative uses. The agreement resolved a number of long standing issues between the City and AUSD. It was expected that the Master Developer will work directly with AUSD to ensure that there are adequate public education facilities at Alameda Point. In 2004 a series of community meetings led to the completion of the Preliminary Development Concept in June, 2005. The purpose of this agenda item is review the Preliminary Development Concept document and prepare any statements from AUSD for presentation at the June 7th AARA meeting. After discussion, the agreed that Board President would prepare comments discussing our concern regarding the lack of documentation related to the role of schools at Alameda Point. 3. Board Protocols Background: An essential ingredient of governance team effectiveness is the Board establishing and maintaining a constructive working relationhsip with the Superintendent. With the appointment of a new Superintendent, a review of protocols and processes used by the Board is needed. The Board and Exeuctive Board agreed to the following: CommunicationsWritten Memos – Superintendent will issue weekly memos with cc to the Executive Cabinet. The focus of the weekly memos will follow up the agreed upon annual priorities and goals. The Superintendent will also include items that maybe of interest to the media. Matters related to personnel will be non-specific. E-Mail – The Superintendent will have a special sub-account setup for receipt of Board member EMails. Board members will communicate their expectations regarding the expected response follow-up period. One-on-Ones – The Superintendent will setup initial meeting in July/August with each Board member. After that one-on-one meetings will be scheduled as needed with a possibility of paired Board members meeting to save time. The Superintendent will attempt to summarize information shared that would be of interest to all Board members. Agenda Building/Monday Meeting – Format will remain the same. The version of the agendas reviewed at the meeting will be sent to all Board members by the Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent. The Board President will issue a recap of the agenda building, identifying changes to the two agendas and any other pertinent information related to future agendas. In addition, an annual Board meeting calendar will be developed. Request for Information - Board members will issue their request for information to one of the Executive Cabinet members based on their responsibility. The Executive Cabinet member is responsible for handling the request for information. Board MeetingsTime/Location - Meeting will continue at City Hall since we can televise them. We will look at starting Closed Session at 5pm. Oral Communications - The Board President will work the Superintendent to insure there is proper acknowledgement of concerns raised during Oral Communications. Agenda - There is no need to add additional sections for communications with the employee groups. The Superintendent will be meeting employee groups once a month. Request for Information - Board members will issue their request for information to one of the Executive Cabinet members based on their responsibility. The Executive Cabinet member is responsible for handling the request for information. This represents a change to current process. The Board members and Executive Cabinet agreed to try it for six months to determine its effectiveness. Board Deliberations - We will follow the guidelines established in a February workshop. They are:
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