BOE Meeting for August 22, 2006
Public Comment
Earl Rivard, President, AEA admonished the Board for their comments at the August 8th Board meeting.
1. School Safety Crossing Guards Update
Background: The closure of Miller, Longfellow and Woodstock, the construction of Ruby Bridges Elementary and the retro-fit work at Haight Elementary has had a number of impacts on students going to and from school. Staff provided an update regarding walking routes, crossing guards and bus transportation.
Strategic Significance: Goal #10 Safe Schools
2. CAHSEE Update
Item Type: Information (20 minutes)
Background: An update on the 65 seniors who took the CAHSEE in May will be presented. 6 more seniors passed the exam.
Strategic Significance: Goal #1 Curricular Coherence and Instructional Practice
3. FCMAT Fiscal Health Udpate
Item Type: Information (20 minutes)
Background: FCMAT presented their Fiscal Health Anlaysis at the June 27th meeting.
The FCMAT report contained 14 recommendations and staff give an update their plans to address them:
Enrollment and ADA
- Consider hiring a professional demogrpaher to establish a baseline for the district's current and future enrollment projections to include the following:
- Migration patterns in\out of schools
- Retention in same grade
- Changes in school programs
- Drop-outs, interdistrict transfers, etc.
- Birth rates
- Residential housing starts
Contract will be presented at the next meeting.
- Begin tracking developer fees by address and establish a database that cna be cross matched by address with the district's SASI student files.
Wait until 2007/08 to implement.
Position Control
- Fully implement the APTA position control software module for the 2005-06 fiscal year.
Implemented July 1, 2006.
- Develop a security protocol regarding internal controls for APTA position control and absence tracking modules.
An ongoing process between Human Resurces and Finance.
- Perform multiyear scenarios to include increase compensation. The district's multiyear financial projections (MYFP) does not include additional compensation costs for the two fiscal years of the projection.
Collective Bargaining
- Consider incorporating into the collective bargaining agreement language on known factors that can be budgeted accurately.
Retiree Health Benefits
- Hire a professional actuary and prepare an acturial report. In accordance with Governmental Accounting Standard Board Statement No. 45 (GASB 45), Accounting and Financial Reporting by Employers for Post-Employment Benefits Other Than Pension was issued on June 21, 2004.
Hire actuary to prepare report on 2006/07.
- Hire a consultant with the appropriate expertise concerning rebate and penalty calculation services and potential arbitrage rebate reserve requirements.
Will look at implementing recommendation.
- Hire a temporary accounting position to fulfill the project accounting requirements for all facility projects. Funding for this type of project personnel can be funded out of bonds proceeds.
Looking at .5 FTE position if necessary.
Multi Year Financial Projection
- Perform the proper analysis to evaluate staffing adjustments for future consideration when completing MFYP.
Will revise reporting format.
- Continue to ensure that categorical programs and other funds do not exceed revenues or increase encroachment on the general fund.
Special Education will have another FCMAT study.
Child Nutrition Fund will use cash flow and Multi Year Projections to better manage thueir fund.
- Complete detailed MYFPs for the general fund as required.
Will revise reporting format.
- Provide staff members with staff development training on how to use miultiyear projection software.
Review software when it becomes available.
- Utilize MYFPs for all significant financial proposals to evaluate their long-term impact for collective bargaining.
Will revise reporting format to include the cost of 1% salary increase.
Strategic Significance: Goal #1-12 All
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Last modified: August 22, 2006
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