BOE Meeting for August 24, 2004 1. Approval of Lease Agrement with AT&T for Washington School Background: AT&T Wireless has requested to lease space on the roof of Washington school. The agreed upon price is $2,167 per month increasing 3% per year for five years. The Board approved the lease. 3. Report on 2004-05 State Budget Background: The Chief Financial Officer will cover the details of the $105.4 billion budget signed by Governor Schwarzanegger on July 31st. Despite the "positive" news that budget contained no surprises, enrollment concerns surrounding affected Section 8 tenants as well as the evictions of Harbor Isle tenants will needed to be addressed in the 2004/05 school year. 4. Measure C Update Background: Phase One consisted primarily of roofing jobs, repaving, and fencing jobs. Those jobs have been completed. For a more detailed list of the work accomplished go to Measure C updates.
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