Minutes for August 25 BOE Meeting School District Formal Agenda - PDF Version including Consent Items 1.) Bay Area School of Enterprise Presentation of Greatness Background: The Bay Area School of Enterprise showed a 5 minute video of community presentations made by participants in five week leadership class conducted over the summer. Fiscal Implications: None 2.) Caring Schools Curriculum Support Guide, Frequently Asked Questions and Timeline for Evaluation of Curriculum Background: On May 26, approved Lesson 9 for the Caring Schools Curriculum. The Board of Education directed staff to develop an Instructional Support Guide for the Caring Schools Curriculum, including Lesson 9. Staff was to look at all nine lessons to ensure all of the protected classes were included. In addition, a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) will be shared with the community, teachers and parents. Staff presented a report based on the committee's summer work including a preliminary analysis of Caring School Curriculum and a timeline of next steps. Fiscal Implications: Approximately $10,000 for curriculum kits, teacher training time and printing costs. 3.) Back-to-School Preparation Report - Staff/Hiring Status, Modernization, Facilities, Technology, Enrollment and Textbooks Background: Staff presented a report on the status of preparation of the opening day of school on August 31st. Fiscal Implications: None 4.) Approval of California School Board Association Policies Handbook Background: The Alameda Unified School District uses the California School Boards Association (CSBA) to host our policies online at www.gamutonline.net (id: ALAMEDA, pw: public) CSBA also provides policies updates for new mandates and legal decisions. Throughout the years, AUSD's policies have not updated online to reflect changes that have been approved by the Board. As a result, it is not clear what the level of compliance is for AUSD policies. In order to bring district documents in legal compliance in a timely fashion, this past May district staff and worked with a CSBA representative to update all of our policies at once. Staff recommended adoption the entire set of legally compliant policies and make any additional changes needed to specific policies at a later date. The Board adopted the policies. Fiscal Implications: Preparation of the handbook cost $6,050. 5.) Master Plan Update and Directional Feedback Background: Three board workshops: 1.) Can AUSD live on State funding alone? 2.) What would a district of charter schools look like? and 3.) How do we define and provide for a quality education in light of the funding challenges we face? have been conducted for the Master Plan process that started in March, 2009. With initial direction from the Board at the August 18 workshop, Superintendent Vital will recap the feedback received and summarize next steps for coming months, including a community engagement processand requested the Board provide additional directional feedback. Fiscal Implications: None