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Agenda for September 13, 2005

1. Employee of the Month

Background: Each month the District honors employees who are nominated for efforts. This month the following employees are being honored for their efforts to make sure Lincoln Middle School opened on time with all of the construction work underway:

  • Normando Antonio, Custodian
  • Kathleen Brown, Library/Media Tech
  • Jerry Diamond, Custodian
  • Myrna Graulich, Counselor
  • Anita Hamilton, School Office Assistant
  • Dorine Montez, School Office Manager I
  • Merilee Piziali, School Office Assistant
  • Raul Poral, Custodian
  • Esther Sablan, SPED Paraprofessional
  • Vincent Sablan, Head Custodian
  • Cindy Zecher, School Office Manager II

Strategic Significance: Goal #12: Communication and Community Engagement

2. Public Appointment of Acting Prinicpal of Longfellow Elementary School

Background: Mike Potmesil resigned as principal of Longfellow Elementary to be become a Personnel Officer at another District. Lynda Hornada has been appointed as Acting principal.

Strategic Significance: Goal #3: Staff Recruitment, Assignment and Retention

3. Superintendent Search

Background: In April, 2005, former Superintendent Alan Nishino announced he was leaving the district effective July 1, 2005. The Board of Education made a decision to appoint Ardella Dailey as the interim Superintendent for the 2005/06 school year and begin conducting the search for a permanent Superintendent in Fall, 2005. In August the Board approved a contract with California School Board Association to assist in the search.

Representatives from the California School Board Association will be in Alameda to conduct intreviews and hold a community meeting. The community meeting will be September 29th at 7pm at Lum School. The output from these meetings will be used to select interview questions for the Superintendent position.

Fiscal Implications: Total contract cost is $13,000 and only $7,800 if an internal candidate is selected.

Strategic Significance: Goal #12: Communication and Community Engagement

4. Staff Development Buy Back Day Report

Background: All district in California can claim reimbursement for up to three days of staff development. All three staff development days are part of the 185 day contract with teachers. The first two staff development days were held on August 24 and 25. All district teachers were provided one day of training focused on developing skills in academic vocabulary.

Isabel Beck's boook Bring Words to Life was used to develop the staff development materials. The primary focus of her work is based on research that categorizes words in to three tiers.

Tier One has the most basic words, such as bed, brother, sky, and run. Most learners already know the meanings of Tier One words.

Tier Three consists of rare words such as apogee, precinct, peninsula and ecclesiastical which tend to be limited to specific domains.

Tier Two, in the middle, consists of words like compromise, scrutinize, diligent and typical which are of high frequency for mature users and found across a variety of domains.

Additional work will be done at each site to continue this focus on vocabulary.

Fiscal Implications: Not all staff are eligible for reimbursement (i.e. Media staff, counselors, etc). but receive pay for attending staff development. In prior years the cose has been above $10,000 for unreimbursed costs.

Strategic Significance: Goal #2 - Staff Development

5. New Teacher and Beginning Teacher Support and Assessment (BTSA) Orientation Report

Background: Beginning Teachers Support and Assessment (BTSA) is is an initiative to provide formative assessment and individualized support based on assessment information for beginning teachers. BTSA is co-administered by the California Department of Education (CDE) and the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC).

The Beginning Teacher Support and Assessment System was created by AB 1266 (Mazzoni, 1997). This grew out of legislation established in SB 1422 (Bergeson, 1992) based on research from the California New Teacher Project (CNTP). A central finding of this research identified the need to provide beginning teachers with focused induction support. To be useful, this support must be provided at a sufficient level of intensity to make a difference in the performance, retention, and satisfaction of beginning teachers. The 1997 Mazzoni legislation establishing BTSA encourages collaboration by local school districts, county offices of education, colleges and universities in the organization and delivery of new teacher induction.

In 1998, SB 2042 established a formal teacher induction program for new teachers and out-of-state teachers that need a clear California credential.

There are 35 teachers participated in the program last year 22 at the elementary school level, 7 at the middle school level and 6 at the high school level.

New teachers to the District as well as beginning attended a two day introduction to District.

Strategic Significance: Goal #2 - Staff Development

6. Enrollment Report

Background: A report on attendance was given. The chart below shows that attendance for 05/06 is experiencing a similar decline compared to last year. As of Day 10, elementary population was down 59, middle school is down 99, high school is down 74 and special education is down 53.

. Day One Day Ten Day Twenty
03/04 -738 -106 -83
04/05 -784 -233 -230
05/06 -751 -232 ???

If this trend holds through Day Twenty, then steps will need to be taken to reduce expenses.

Fiscal Implications: Unknown at this time.

Strategic Significance: Goal # 1-12, Fiscal Impact

7. Resolution No. 05-3987 Certification of Requirement of Education Code Section 60119 for Pupil Textbook and Instructional Materials Incentive Program for Grades K-12 for Fiscal Year 2005-06

Item Type: Public Hearing/Action (5 minutes)

Background: Each fiscal year the school disticts must ensure that they comply with Education Code Section 60119 in the folowing areas:

  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • History-socail science
  • English/language arts including the English language development component of an adopted program

The Board approved the resolution.

Fiscal Implications: Monies from the Instructional Materials Funding Realignment Program.

Strategic Significance: Goal # 1 - Curricular Coherence and Effective Instructional Practices

8. Facilities Master Plan Review

Background: A special meeting on Measure C projects was held on August 22nd. During that meeting staff reported that construction costs had risen significantly and would impact future phases of the Measure C.

On September 6, the Board approved the low bid for construction of the K-5 portion of the new Woodstock school at the Bayport site. The low bid of $15.5 million dollars will bring the total cost of the new school to $18.8 million. The original budget for the new school was $15.3.

The Board will be discussing how to reallocate remaining bond monies for the remaining phases.

Bob DeLuca has shoulder replacement surgery last Wednesday and as a result there were no hard numbers to discuss. Staff will prepare a list of site projects that can be completed with the remaining monies and it will be presented at the next Board meeting. In addition, a decision will be made on how the construction work at Haight will be done.

Fiscal Implications: Unknown

Strategic Significance: Goal # 10 Safe Learning Environment



Send mail to mikemcmahonausd@yahoo.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: September 11, 2005

Disclaimer: This website is the sole responsibility of Mike McMahon. It does not represent any official opinions, statement of facts or positions of the Alameda Unified School District. Its sole purpose is to disseminate information to interested individuals in the Alameda community.