Recap for November 10 BOE Meeting School District Formal Agenda - PDF Version including Consent Items 1.) Employee of the Month Background: Each month the District honors employees of the month. This month we honored:
Fiscal Implications: None 2.) Highlighting Alameda Schools: Paden Elementary School Background: The Paden staff shared Paden's academic data and theory of action. Fiscal Implications: None. 3.) PUBLIC HEARING: Academy of Alameda Charter Pertition Background: On October 27, the Board of Education received a charter petition, appendixes, fiscal budget and fiscal narrative for the Academy of Alameda for Chipman Middle School. Lead petittioner Ed O'Neil presented an overview of the charter petition followed by a public hearing. Fiscal Implications: None 4.) Alameda Unified School Distirct Proposal to the Alameda Education Association (AEA) for a Successor Agreement for the 2009-2012 Contract Background: Staff is presenting a supplement to the District openers submitted in February, 2009. As noted previousily, California public school districts are currently facing an unprecendented crisis as a result of inadequate funding reduction at the state level. As a result, the Alameda Unified School Distirct has proposed to enter into successor contract negotiations with the Alameda Education Association (AEA) in an effort to negotiate necessary contractual changes. To this end and consistent with California Government Code 3547, the District desires to supplement its initial proposal to AEA to includea proposal to amend Article 14.01 - Salaries as such my be necessary in order to implement changes to Article 8 - Teaching Hours and any reduction in teacher work, professional development days and/or instructional days. The District reserves the right to add to, delete from, amend or modify its proposal during the meeting and negotiation process. The Board voted 4-1 to approve the resolution, Member Spencer voting no. Fiscal Implications: None 5.) Approval of Board Policy 3110 -Transfer of Funds Background: Due to changes to categorical funding flexibility for "Tier 3" programs, CSBA is recommending changes to Board policy 3110. The Board adopted the policy after making a slight wording change. Fiscal Implications: None