
BOE Meetings
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BOE Meeting for December 12, 2006

1. Installation of Re-elected Board Member

Background:: Board members Tracy Lynn Jensen and Mike McMahon were sworn for their new four year terms.

Strategic Significance: Goal #12 Communicaitons and Community Engagement

2. Installation of Island High School Student Board Member

Background: Angel Gueera-Burdick was sworn as a replacement Baord member for Island High School.

Strategic Significance: Goals #12 Communications and Community Engagement

3. Senior Project/ Portofilio Update

Background: Numerous teachers, administrators and students raised concerns with the AUSD Senior Project and Senior Portofolio as part of AUSD graduation requirements.In May, 2006 the Secondary Education Office convened a group of teachers to discuss their concerns and to brainstorm next steps deemed necessary.

The report indicated that unless there is funding to support oversight of the Senior Project, it is should be eliminated as a graduation requirement.

Staff was directed to review the graduation requirement policy and bring a recommendation by the end of the school year. The Senior Project will be a requirement for the 2007 class.

Strategic Significance: Goal #1 Curricular Coherence and Effective Practices

4. First Interim Enrollment and Staffing Update

Background: An update on enrollment and staffing through November was given.

The projected enrollment for 2006-07 was 9,772. Actual enrollment as of September 1 was 9,909. As of December 1, enrollment was 9,945.

The projected staffing level for unrestricted certificated teaching positions in 2006/07 was 405.20 full time equivalents (FTEs). Actual staffing as of September 18 was 404.80 FTEs. Staffing increased to 412.82 as of December 1, to cover the 173 student increase.

For the 2006/07 78 teachers were hired. There is still need for teachers with Special Education, Math and Science credentials.

Strategic Significance: Goal #3 - Staff Recruitment and Retention

5. Approval of First Interim Report

Background: The Board of Education is required to submit a financial report certifying the District's ability to meet its financial obiligations for the current and two subsequent years.

Staff presented a PowerPoint presentation.

The Board approved the first interim report.

Strategic Significance: Goals 1-12

6. Election of Board President and Vice President

Background: The annual organization meeting occurs in the first meeting of December. The Board elected David Forbes as President and Janet Gibson as Vice President.

Strategic Significance: Goal #12 Communications and Community Engagement

7. Approval of 2007 Schedule of Regular Board of Education Meetings

Background: The Board is required to approve the annual calendar of Board of Education meetings. The Board approved the calendar of meetings.

Strategic Significance: Goal #12 Communications and Community Engagement

8. Update on Agreement wtih Alameda Civic Light Opera (ACLO)

Background: The Civic Center Act (Education Code Section 38130 et seq) governs the use of public facilities for use by the community. Under the auspices of this Act, the Alameda Civic Light Opera (ACLO) makes ongoing use of the Alameda Unified School District's Kofman Auditorium. AUSD has allowed ACLO to make capital improvements in the auditorium in return for credit on the rental fees incurred. Over the years 2000-2006, ACLO has accrued an outstanding balance of $41,448.

AUSD and ACLO have worked over the past six months to negotiate a payment plan for the outstanding balance and a payment structure for future use of Kofman auditorium.

The goal of AUSD is to develop a responsible agreement that complies with the Civic Center Act and recognizes the value of ACLO as a community organization. The District has two major principles to guide negotiations: 1.) the outstanding balance of $41,448 will be repaid and 2.) ACLO will be allowed to make capital improvements that are District approved but will not be allowed to create any new deficit forward for future years.

For 2003-2006 time period, ACLO paid $60,000 for direct AUSD personnel costs associated supervising the auditorium when it used. ACLO made capital improvements of $30,000 and this amount was credited against the $70,000 rent charged. ACLO was charged approximately $130,000 ($70,000 for rent and $60,000 for direct personnel costs) for use of Kofman auditorium. Based on a schedule posted on ACLO website, ACLO was annually booked to use the Kofman Auditorium for 75 days plus any additional days for rehearsals.

Fiscal Implications: Recovery of $41,442 as well as an undetermined amount of increase revenue if ACLO continues to use Kofman auditorium.

Strategic Significance: Goal #1-12

9. Adoption of Board of Education Committee Assignments

Background: Each year the Board members take on committee assignments. The committee assignments from 2006 are listed here. There were no major changes in committee assignments.

Strategic Significance: Goal #12 Communications and Community Engagement



Send mail to mikemcmahonausd@yahoo.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: November 19, 2006

Disclaimer: This website is the sole responsibility of Mike McMahon. It does not represent any official opinions, statement of facts or positions of the Alameda Unified School District. Its sole purpose is to disseminate information to interested individuals in the Alameda community.