
Mike McMahon AUSD
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AUSD Board of Trustees Goals

The Board met on August 28th, 2003 to develop 2003/04 goals. The initial step was to gather and reach consensus on a set of goals. There has been no decision on what additional work will be done by the Board regarding these goals. The goals identified were:

1. Student Achievement

  • Balance district initiatives to ensure and promte student achievement in the full spectrum of abilities.
  • 2. Health

  • Create and adopt a comprehensive K-12 health, fitness and nutrition policy.
  • 3. Professional Development

  • Strategize opportunities for professional development to augment ongoing board growth and development.
  • 4. Marketing

  • Assess the extent to which unwelcome advertising is invading the classroom environment, particularily K-8 schools.
  • 5. Strategic Plan

  • Support staff in development of the work plan to implement the long range goals and short term objectives.
  • 6. California High School Exit Exam

  • Review and adopt a suitable and rigorous replacement for the high school compentencies.
  • 7. Woodstock Child Development Center

  • Explore and expand, where feasible, preschool and after school classroom sites to meet funded enrollment and to more effectively meet the needs of the families of Alameda.
  • 8. Budget

  • Remain fiscally sound by reviewing regular budget summaries, revising budget projections, modifying the budget and tracking California's fiscal health.
  • 9. Charter Schools

  • Develop and effective system for ongoing monitoring, evaluation and rechartering schools.
  • 10. Early College High School

  • Create an enduring alternative high school loacted the College of Alameda, funded with foundation grants.
  • 11. Board Conduct and Self-Evaluation

  • Review and assess, no later March each year, the Board's progress toward meeting its annual goals and adherence to California School Boards Association Professional Standards, adopted in 2002.
  • 12. Master Plan

  • Unanimousily adopt a Facilities Master plan by November 2003.
  • 13. Best Practices

  • Identify best practices and adopt a plan to exchange information at school sites that promote and enhance wide-ranging student achievement.
  • Send mail to mikemcmahonausd@yahoo.com with questions or comments about this web site.
    Last modified: September 6, 2003

    Disclaimer: This website is the sole responsibility of Mike McMahon. It does not represent any official opinions, statement of facts or positions of the Alameda Unified School District. Its sole purpose is to disseminate information to interested individuals in the Alameda community.