Source:3/13/2007 Meeting AUSD Condom PolicyMarch, 2007 ALAMEDA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Board Policy BP 5141.25 Students Availability of Condoms The Governing Board is concerned about all aspects of student health and wellness. As such, The Board strongly encourages students to abstain from sexual activity. However, the Board recognizes that, according to research, many youth are engaging in sexual activity, and that such behavior can lead to increased risk of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection, Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), other sexually transmitted diseases, and pregnancy. The Board believes it has a responsibility to take steps to promote appropriate health education and prevent the spread of disease among students who do not abstain from sexual activity. The Board has taken steps to prevent the spread of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases by implementing a comprehensive health education program. (cf. 5146 - Married/Pregnant/Parenting Students) Only qualified health care professionals authorized by the Superintendent or designee may provide condoms to individual students. California State law allows all students 12 years or older to have access to the following health services with or without parental consent: diagnosis and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases, pregnancy testing, contraceptives and prenatal care (California Family Code: 6920, 6926). Minors (12 years of age or older) using the services of qualified health care professionals authorized by the Superintendent or designee are offered confidential services as permitted by state law. While parent involvement is preferred, the minor’s preference is required to be respected, except in the case of: emergency situations when danger to life is imminent; threat of suicide; threat of homicide; and issues of physical, sexual or emotional abuse. Condoms, when properly used, can lessen the chances of transmitting HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases. The Board therefore finds it appropriate for condoms to be made available to male and female students at high schools as one of the services provided by qualified health care professionals authorized by the Superintendent or designee. Condoms will be made available to students after the patient meets with a qualified health care professional and discusses strategies for preventing the spread of HIV/AIDS (including abstinence from sexual relations and intravenous drug use) and verbal instructions are given in the proper use of condoms. Condoms will be given to patients only upon request by the patient and shall also include written instructions in the proper use of condoms (including information about spermicide(s) approved by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) as well as information on condom failure. Only qualified health care professionals authorized by the Superintendent or designee may provide sensitive services to individual students, and giving condoms to patients is designated as such a sensitive service. A qualified health care professional shall be designated as having been trained and/or having experience in health/condom education and possessing at minimum a B.A. or B.S. degree. As determined by the qualified health care professional or at the request of the patient, a licensed health care professional (e.g., a nurse practitioner or therapist) shall also be made available to the patient. There is no cost to AUSD for these services. (cf. 5141.6 - Student Health and Social Services) The Superintendent or designee shall notify parents/guardians annually of services and parent and student rights regarding consent for services. Condoms shall be provided in their original packaging, along with manufacturer’s instructions. Students shall receive additional information as appropriate and necessary regarding the proper use of condoms and their effectiveness. Students shall be advised not to engage in unlawful sexual activity and shall receive information explaining that Penal Code 261.5 prohibits a male of any age from having sexual intercourse with a female under 18 to whom he is not married. Verbal and/or written information shall be available to students obtaining condoms which stresses that abstinence is the only 100% effective method of preventing pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases and which does not condone or in any way encourage sexual activity among or with minors. The Superintendent of designee may provide addresses and telephone numbers of resources that provide further information and counseling regarding HIV testing, AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases, and pregnancy prevention. (cf. 1020 - Youth Services) The Superintendent or designee shall notify parents/guardians of Board policy regarding the availability of condoms and shall seek parent/guardian involvement in developing plans for implementing this policy.
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