Highlights of Comments by Council Candidate Marie Gilmore on Don Roberts TV ShowDon Roberts, Alameda Daily News Following are highlights of comments made by City Council Candidate Marie Gilmore on 9/22 broadcast of the Don Roberts TV Show: Roberts: What are some of the endorsements you have received besides the City of Alameda Democrat Club? Gilmore: I have the Sierra Club, I have the National Women's Political Caucus, I have the Alameda County Democrat Party, Mayor Beverly Johnson, Councilmember Frank Mattarese, Councilmember Barbara Kerr has enthusiastically endorsed me and I'm really happy about that, Senator Don Perata, and Assemblywoman Wilma Chan. Roberts: Decades ago, Alameda voters passed Measure A which simply states there shall be no multiple dwelling units built in the City of Alameda. What is your position on Measure A. Gilmore: As you so ably put it, Don, Measure A is the law of Alameda. Although the Council has the power to put something on the ballot relating to Measure A, changing it or something like that, I personally feel that something that is so far reaching for Alamedans, if there is to be a change, should be put on the ballot by Alamedans, not by a majority vote of the Council. I have to say that having been in office for a year, I haven't exactly had boatloads of people beating a path to my door clamoring to change Measure A. Roberts: If a group of citizens of Alameda were able to get enough signatures to put a change to Measure A on the ballot, would you support or oppose a change at that time. Gilmore: I think it would be really irresponsible to propose a change to Measure A without having some sort of plan or solution for the resulting traffic. The single biggest complaint that I hear from residents now is about the traffic. Roberts: Do you oppose or support a live/work ordinance? Gilmore: I am in favor of work/live if it protects our historic buildings. I think the intention of work/live is very similar to the intention of Measure A - to preserve and protect what we have and maintain the character of our old neighborhoods. In that sense, I think Measure A and work live are compatible. I would support an ordinance that would maintain or enhance that compatibility. Roberts: Don Perata has been able to get another tunnel for Contra Costa County. Any chance that Don Perata would come forward and try to push for another tube connecting us to Oakland? Gilmore: (Laughing) Well, that's a conversation I think we should certainly have with Senator Perata. Maybe he could come and work some of his magic for us. Roberts: Are you pleased with the changes proposed for the Bridgeside Shopping Center which eliminates most of the corrugated metal originally proposed for the buildings? Gilmore: I'm happy with that. I am still, however, concerned that we get more windows on the water - as much as possible. I would fight very hard for that. I think the vision that we have for our waterfront is not going to come to pass unless we have those eyes on the water and it's a very active place. If it's not, you could have some real safety concerns.
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