Elgar against city funding schoolsFriday, September 24, 2004 By Susan Fuller, Alameda Journal Betsy Elgar, 43, is making her second run for City Council. She has a degree in social work from the Philippines and has worked in social service agencies in Alameda and Oakland. Do you want retail at the former Fleet Industrial Supply Center? Why or why not. Supply center? Yes, and also a Social Security administration there and also child support. I know there's funding from the federal government. I'm a member of national Association of Social Workers and I've got valuable information. (Funds) come from the federal Congressional Budget Office in Washington, D.C." Stores she named were Best Buy and Barnes & Noble. What do you think about the budget cutting decisions the council made? What else would you have supported? I know that when I was at Sacramento we talked about budget. I know there's money, that's what I'm saying. I have the information back at home. Elgar said knew that the police department took a smaller cut than other city departments but she was not aware of larger cuts in other departments that have been implemented to balance the budget. Should the city continue helping the school district financially? To me this is bad, both of them. Talk about free lunch. Even though they are needy, there's funding for them. That's part of social services. (Editor's note: The city's contribution to the school district is principally police services.) What does the city need to change, what does the city lack? I have valuable information, every store should be renovated, schools, the city and the county. Editor's note: Elgar either offered no response or similar responses to questions about barracks use, work/live lofts and other questions omitted from this Q&A.
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