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Lucas urges better communication

Friday, October 1, 2004 By Peter Hegarty, Alameda Journal

Karin Lucas served three terms on the City Council, first capturing a seat in 1983 and ending her last term in December 1998.

Lucas currently serves on the Public Utilities Board. She has been an attorney for more 30 years and has spent two decades in private practice. A native of Germany, she attended Boalt Hall at UC Berkeley.

District officials project up to a $750,000 deficit this school year. How would you balance the books?

There is no easy answer for that. My approach would be piecemeal, to see where we could get better funding.

One issue has been the unequal state funding the district has been receiving since the navy base closed. There needs to be lobbying to have the state change the funding formula.

I think the community has not been involved (enough) with the district.

If program cuts are needed, what would you cut first and why?

I don't know at this point. I would need staff input.

If administrative cuts are needed, where would you cut?

I would not want to cut from the teachers because they are the ones who work for the children and that's the object of the school district.

But I don't know where the administration could be cut, either.

It's unfortunate that the employment contract with the superintendent has been extended, even though there may be three new members who might not want that to happen.

This has been very upsetting to the teachers.

What would you do to boost test scores and student performance?

It's not that the district does not offer the right programs, it's motivating those children who may need assistance.

Getting more volunteers into the classroom to assist teachers is also important. Volunteers say when a child has a problem and one person dedicates his/her time to work with that child, it makes a big difference.

Describe the relationship between the city, the school district and developers of the former Naval base? Can it be improved, and specifically what would you do?

It's very hostile. (Lawsuits) also mean paying legal fees double -- the taxpayer in Alameda gets hit twice.

Things should be worked out internally right from the beginning. There are enough people of good will who want to resolve the problem.

From what I understand, the district prevailing in the developer fee issue is dubious. So the city and the district have to expend legal fees.

We have also alienated the developer, who has an interest in providing a very good school to sell their houses.

What's the most pressing issue facing AUSD today?

Working with the superintendent to make sure things are done right.

There needs to be wider access to information for the board, and that requires communication and being open to communication with all parties, including the teachers, other union members, the community, developers, the state and county.

What separates you from the other candidates and what distinguishes you from the on the board?

I have more community experience and involvement than the other candidates. I could get more financial and community support for projects, I could round up more volunteer support.


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Last Modified: October 1, 2004

Disclaimer: This website is the sole responsibility of Mike McMahon. It does not represent any official opinions, statement of facts or positions of the Alameda Unified School District. Its sole purpose is to disseminate information to interested individuals in the Alameda community.