
Mike McMahon AUSD
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Candidates' Statements


Member, Board of Education

Pick three, November General Election, 2008

Ron Mooney
Trish Spencer
David Forbes
Janet Gibson
Niel Tam

Ron Mooney

Occupation: Parent, Education Advocate, PTA Leader, Businessman

Age: 50

I am passionate about public education and have three children attending elementary, middle and high school in Alameda. Alameda deserves the best, and I will continually push for excellence; ask the tough questions and demand thorough and transparent answers. Alameda supports its schools and in return we need a Board that will support and answer to Alameda. I have a proven track record and experience supporting education including; PTA and PTA Council positions which earned me the PTA National Lifetime Achievement Award; President of the Alameda Education Foundation and expanded the successful "Adopt a Classrom Program" which has raised over $100,000 for individual classrooms throughout Alameda. We must support our teachers and staff as they educate our children. In my previous community I served on the school board for over five years, I understand schoool budgets and the need for fiscal constraint. These experiences and many others give me a unique perspective on providing leadership as we hire a new superintendent and top district staff, as well as redesigning our schools to be accountable, efffective and efficient in the years and decades ahead. For dedicated, passionate and experienced community leadership I ask you vote for me, Ron Mooney.

Trish Spencer

Occupation: School Volunteer; Lawyer

Age: 48

As a parent (of four AUSD students), educator and committed volunteer throughout Alameda Unified School District, I have experienced in-depth and in-person the critical isssues facing AUSD. My experience, as a substitute teacher in virtually every AUSD school, Alameda PTA Council President, and an attorney, positions me uniquely to bring a fresh perspective to the School Board. I am prepared to tackle the quality-of-education, equity and fiscal challenges facing us and represent a broad range of interests. As PTA Council's President, 2006-2008, I organized unprecedented lobbying efforts for educational funding (trips to Sacramento, letter campaign and community rallies). Through my leadership, every school obtained State Garden Grants and PTA Council spearheaded the Save Our Music effort. I advocated for World Languages, electives, health and safety issues, and facility improvements. Council joined community efforts (Kids' Chalk Art Project, Miracle League and Food Bank). My legal background enables me to ask key questions, research viable solutions and negotiate agreeable outcomes. These skills, along with my empathy for each child, are needed to face the District's challenges. I look forward to working together with our community to secure quality education for all our students. I would be honored to have your vote. www.votetrish.com

David Forbes

Occupation: Incumbent

The reason that I am running for re-election to the AUSD Board of Education can be summed up in three words – ten thousand kids. I believe that over the last four years I have demonstrated a deep commitment to the education of all of AUSD’s students. While I am a parent of four children in the District, my decisions have always been predicated upon what is best for the District as a whole. I am passionate about ensuring that all of our children get the best possible start in life. I have also demonstrated the leadership ability to make the tough decisions that have had to be made. While the last four years have been tough for public education in the State of California, the District, and more importantly, the education of the students in the District, has continued to improve. Employee morale is also vastly improved than when I was elected four years ago. Over the next four years, with a new Superintendent, we will need to make some tough decisions regarding continuing to improve our educational deliverables in a fiscally sustainable manner. I humbly ask for your support to be part of that District leadership team.

Janet Gibson

Occupation: Incumbent, Retired AUSD Teacher, Parent/Grandparent

As an Alameda Unified School District teacher (31 years), parent/grandparent, and two-term School Board member, I have been deeply involved wthh AUSD for the past 40 years. I bring the experience, knowledge, training, and commitment necessary to lead our district during this critical time. I will be able to evaluate and work with a new superintendent through my experience of having worked with the past seven AUSD superintedents. I will bring my preschool, elementary, middle and high school teaching experience to the complex decisions for educational excellence in Alameda schools. I will continue to respect, value and encourage the involvement of Alameda's parents, students and community. I will seek the knowledge and expertise of our district's employees and employee groups whose services are essential to AUSD. ASUD is experiencing "baby boomer" retirements and extensive personnel change. I will be able to use this understanding as we evaluate the present and plan for the future of our schools. Alamedans have supported me with the highest number of votes in my past two elections. I pledge my continued integrity and dedication to you and ask for your support.

Niel Tam

Occupation: Retired Principal

Age: 62

I recently retired after 38 years as a teacher and principal in Alameda Unified School District. I am dedicated to the field of education and believe I can make a difference serving on the school board. I have lived in Alameda for the past 32 years and raised a family while serving the community. I have been a board member of the Food Bank, Girls, Inc., and the Alameda Point Collaborative. I am presently Chair of the Mutlicultural Community Center, on the Family Services Board, Advisory Board of the Boys and Girls Club, was on the Traffic Commission, and the Library Strategic Planning Committee. I was an administrator for over 15 years with the last two as Principal of Washington School where I helped improved state API scores 66 points--raising the school ranking from 3 to 8. I hope to contribute further as an Alameda School Board member. I have a Bachelors Degree in Occupational Theray, and two Masters Degrees--in Special Education, and School Administration. I am a Coro Fellow, Koshland Awardee and recently received a Red Cross award for community service.

Complete 2008 Election Coverage
2006 Candidate Board Statements
2004 Candidate Board Statements


Send mail to mikemcmahonausd@yahoo.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: August, 2008

Disclaimer: This website is the sole responsibility of Mike McMahon. It does not represent any official opinions, statement of facts or positions of the Alameda Unified School District. Its sole purpose is to disseminate information to interested individuals in the Alameda community.