
Mike McMahon AUSD
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AUSD Enrollment Report

2004/05 Projected versus Actual

January 2005

The District receives revenues from the State based on Average Daily Attendance. To calculate Average Daily Attendance, a projection of enrolled students is done in order create anticipated revenues.

Projected Actual Difference
Bay Farm Elementary 512 520 8
Earhart Elementary 613 586 -27
Edison Elementary 361 358 -3
Franklin Elementary 286 262 -24
Haight Elementary 491 511 20
Longfellow Elementary 274 214 -60
Lum Elementary 488 479 -9
Miller Elementary 256 214 -42
Otis Elementary 372 370 -2
Paden Elementary 384 368 -16
Washington Elementary 324 316 -8
Woodstock Elementary 259 226 -33
4620 4424 -196
Chipman Middle 635 621 -14
Lincoln Middle 861 879 18
Wood Middle 732 704 -28
2228 2204 -24
Alameda High 1832 1810 -22
Encinal High 1160 1100 -60
Island High 190 161 -29
ASTI 13 55 42
3195 3126 -69
Total Regular Education 10043 9754 -289
Total Special Education 382 354 -28
District Total 10425 10108 -317


Comments. Questions. Broken links? Bad spelling! Incorrect Grammar? Let me know at webmaster.
Last modified: January 26, 2005

Disclaimer: This website is the sole responsibility of Mike McMahon. It does not represent any official opinions, statement of facts or positions of the Alameda Unified School District. Its sole purpose is to disseminate information to interested individuals in the Alameda community.