AUSD Strategic Plan 2003-2008 ![]() 2003/04 GoalsSTUDENT ACHIEVEMENT: Curriculum/Instruction/AssessmentGOAL #1: Curricular Coherence & Effectve Practices A clearly defined core curriculum, aligned with state standards, is being used consistently district-wide, and all edcuators are implementing effective instructional practices. January 04 UpdateAdoption lists have been distributed to K-12 principals. Identifying effective research-based teaching strategies will be ongoing throughout the five year plan. Reading leaders have been identified in K-2 and K-8 Math teachers have been identified. A new assessment systems, Measures has been purchased. Work on data templates for literacy teachers has begun. June 04 Final Progress ReportTextbook adoption lists for literacy and math have been approved by the BOE and added to AUSD procedures manual. Principals identified 12 K-2 teachers for specialized training in literacy. Twenty K-5 teachers served as teachers leaders on our K-5 math task force. Assesments mapping currently being constructed to house district assessments in the area of literacy K-5 and Math 6-9. Assistance has been given on an individual basis to analyze site data to support a Single School Plan development. Site trainings on the use of data templates was provided upon request. GOAL #2: Staff Development A staff development plan supports all educators in being more effective. Here is a research abstract on collaboration. January 04 UpdateDeveloped a "Cycle of Inquiry" binder/guide for each principal to assist in learning the process of continuous improvement based on data analysis. Lists of high qualified paras have been generated. June 04 Final Progress ReportProvided two general technology classes, one at the Adult School and one at a school site. These sessions were voluntary and were not well attended. The training need may be beter met as of the district's computer roll-out for teachers. AUSD as a part of the East Bay Consortium has developed, submitted and approved SB 2042 Teacher Induction Program for 2004/05. At each elementary school a K-2 classroom teacher was identified as a reading leader and was provided with nine days of training in research based strategies to support them in their role. Middle school and high school articulation is planned for 2004/05. Alameda County of Education math consultant held three all-day grade 4-6 math atriculation meetings to focus on standards-based math instruction. On an individual basis sites have worked to create collaborative time in schedules. Principals were provided with learning sessions to acquire tools for development of Single School Plans including Cycle of Inquiry process. Instituted two Single School Plan protocols for teacher leaders and administrators to review and monitor site plans. The protocols also served as Cycle of Inquiry learning sessions. Lists of highly qualified para have been generated. Next step will be to work with CSEA to meet with non-NCLB complaint paras in 2004/05. A review of staff development needs of paras is in progress. To be completed in 2004/05. Individual staff developments plans will be developed in 2004/05. GOAL #3: Staff Recruitment, Assignment and Retention Every student is taugh by fully credientialed highly qualified teachers. January 04 UpdateA series of four Math courses is being offered. Developed a Memo of Understanding with UC Berkeley Department of Education. June 04 Final Progress ReportOffered through Cal State Hayward three of four math courses for math teachers. Fourth course will be offered during the 04 Summer. All teachers worked with site principals to complete the highly qualified teacher certification process. All completed teacher files were reviewed by personnel for compliance with NCLB definition of "highly qualified". Developed a Memorandum of Understanding with U C Berkeley Department of Education to recruit teachers. GOAL #4: Assessment (Formative, Incremental Testing for Diagnostic Purposes) A comprehensive assesment system is providing ongoing individual student data that enables teachers to be more effective in improving student performaance. January 04 UpdateMost K-8 sites have created grade level time for collobaration on student achievement. Principals using time during District monthly wide meetings to focus on student achivement. New assessment system, Measures, is almost ready to go. June 04 Final Progress ReportMost K-8 sites have created grade level time for collobaration on student assessment and achievement data. Management meeting time was redesigned to provide time for collaboration and the creation of a learning community for K-5 principals. 612 meetings included small group discussion time, divided by levels. Due to the adoption of K-2 literacy program we implemented new assessments. A committee process by grade level was used to make decisions regarding assessments to be used in 2004/05. Prentice Hall assessments were piloted at grades 5 and 9 as indicator of intervention class placements and fluency. Algebra I palcement matrix was implemented. 6th-9th grade end of course exams in math are being given for the 2nd year. No work was done on revising board policy on grading. Measures Applied will be available in September 2004 and it will increase the acsess to student achievement data at the site level. Purchased and installed Measures data base and disaggretation tool in the Assessment department. Conducted pilto training sessions with several schools. District assessments are being mapped in the system. Training for site administrators and teachers will begin in 2004. Data reports were intregated into Single School Plan format and trainings. STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT: Strategic Intervention and SupportGOAL #5: At-Risk Students All at-risk students have equal access to effective intervention programs that helps them get back on track academically. January 04 UpdateSuccess Maker, an interactive skills intervention tool is in use at 10 elementary schools, two middle schools and two high schools. Elimination of hourly funding has delayed additional use of Success Maker. June 04 Final Progress ReportCompleted work with K-5 Student Study Design Team to aling Promotion Acceleration and Retention and Intervention (PARI)to gain consistency in intervention process and procedures. Need to continue work with 6-8 and 9-12 in 2004/05. Professional Development on intervention tools has not been fully implemented due to elimination of hourly funding by the state. Sites are using Successmaker as an intervention tool. Based on pilot implementations and middle/elementary IIUSP schools, instructional materials have been identified and adopted as district intervention programs. Exploration of innovative intervention program will continue into 2004/05. A process to test and place students in the area of literacy and math from fifth to sixth grade and eight to ninth grade has been developed. The Compass Learning program has been replaced with Successmaker. Successmaker is at 10 elementary schools, 3 middle schools and two high schools and was implemented into the K-12 summer school program. GOAL #6: High School Graduation Every student graduates from high school January 04 UpdateWorking creating a district wide assessment form for incoming ninth graders. Encinal and Alameda are designing their Master schedule with the goal of expanding AVID classes. Developing intervetion strategies for literacy and math students. June 04 Final Progress ReportA common Individual Learning Plans (ILP) template and process ahs been developed to transition every 8th grader student to 9th grade. The document will be used on on annual basis to review student progress toward their academic goals. Master schedules at Encinal and Alameda are being designed to include more Advancement through Individual Determination (AVID) classes. Intervention classes for math and literacy were established at Encinal and Alameda High school. Island High is expected to implement intervention classes in 2004/05. A common system to track student's graduation requirements is in place and being monitored by middle school and high school counselors and principals. Disaggretation of 2003 graduation data indicated a need for intensive and strategic courses in literacy and math, which were piloted in 2003/04. Classes to assist students taking the California High School Exit Exams have been established at all high schools. GOAL #7: Limited English Proficient Students All limited-Engligh-proficient students become proficient in English and reach high academic standards January 04 UpdateOngoing support is being provided. June 04 Final Progress ReportState funding for paraprofessional support for ELD students was available in summer 2003 but not available in summer 2004. Additional support for ELD students was provided on an ongoing basis through available categorical funding. ELD teachers work with classroom teachers as needed. GOAL #8: Early Child Education Every Title I school has a high-quality early childhood education program STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT: Student Involvement and EngagementJanuary 04 UpdateWith appointment of Woodstock Child Development Center director at the Januar 13th meeting, an update was not available. June 04 Final Progress ReportAll work will start in 2004/05 due to January appointment. GOAL #9: Student Involvement and Engagement All students have the opportunity to be actively involved in decisions regarding their educational experiences January 04 UpdateNo update. June 04 Final Progress ReportAlameda Teen Action Council (ATAC) identified community service requirement as a key issue. The Alameda Collaborative for Children, Youth and Families held focus groups to gather student input on high school community service graduation requirements. AUSD and ATAC produced a guide to the high school community service graduation requirement. STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT: Conducive Learning EnvironmentGOAL #10: Safe Schools All students are being educated in learning environments that are safe and conducive to learning. January 04 UpdateTraining for adminstrators planned for February. June 04 Final Progress ReportTwo trainings were offered for school teams through Alameda County of Education sessions about Safe School plans. Training for staff was completed on May 20 at Safe Schools Workshop for K-12. Principal training was completed on March 16 for 6-12 principals and April 16 for K-5 principals. STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT: Vocational,Career, and Adult EducationGOAL #11: Vocational,Career, and Adult Education All students are preapred to succeed in college and\or their career choice becuase they have been exposed to a range of options that included career and technical education experiences January 04 UpdateAdvisory Board formed in November, 2003. June 04 Final Progress ReportAdvisory Board on voactional, career and adult education met three times. Job market analysis indicates medical and consruction careers are in demand. Paternships have been established with: Alameda Parks and Recreation Department, American Chemical Society, Bananas, Bank of Alameda, Kaiser Permanente, Lawrence Berkeley Lab, Metropolitan Transportation Commission, Sheet Metal and Air Construction Construction Industry and Voxify. Career interest surveys were initiated with 9th and 10th grade students in Spring 2004. Survey will be conducted annually in "Current Life" class. High school teachers were trained on how to use SCANS report. Ten ROP teachers have infused the core content standards into their curriculum. Courses identified for UC approved curriculum are: Marketing and Entrepreneurship, Careers with Children, and Information Technology Courses. Communications: Parental Involvement and Community EngagementGOAL AREA #12: Communications and Community Engagement An effective communication system promotes infromation exchange, and engages our diverse population in support of every student being successful. January 04 UpdateInitial steps taken in identifying technology infrastructure. Established working group on communicating with parents. June 04 Final Progress ReportWith the passage of Measure C initial work on communication and community engagement have been moved to 2004/05. A draft list of internal stakeholder groups has been completed. Sample communication plans have been gathered from other school districts. Web resrouces volunteers are being used in selection of webiste management tool for the sites and district.
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